Ruehr, Thomas  

Soil Science


23 evaluations

SS 121

Required (Major)
Apr 2002
Ruehr is crazy. He talks about rocks one minute and dropping ACID at a rock festival the next. If you answer half of the questions on his test right, you're doing fine. Everyone thinks they're failing the class until he curves the grades at the end. He also must have a deep hatred for the chalkboard. He will suddenly, and for reasons only Ruehr knows, scream and hurtle erasers into the blackboard. It's very scary for those of us who are trying to sleep. I still have bruises on my knees from hitting the top of the desk from when he decided to his insane tarzan scream.

Required (Major)
Jun 2003
Ruehr is absolutely crazy. He bangs on the blakboard and utters bizarre phrases that are impossible to understand. He knows his material too well and can't relate to the student. I thought that I failed all his quizzes, but he curved and I got a C grade. Hard to follow in his unorganized lecture at the beginning of lab, but helped some with questions. Don't go to his messy office, it stinks!

Required (Support)
Jul 2003
Ruehr is an excellent professor. He makes the less than exciting world of soil science seem quite interesting. You should take Reuhr if you get the chance

Required (Support)
Sep 2003
This guy is a goof ball, and i swear to god- be ready to go to class everyday and every lab. If you miss a lab you miss a lot and will miss points. This past summmer most of the people in the class changed their grade to C/NC because they thought they were going to fail, but in the end it just so happens if you work your butt off, are in every lab and lecture - i guaruntee you, he will pass you. In class he just all of a sudden says ACID in a really way and it's so weird. Also he talks about dropping acid on a rock festival and don't be surprised if this guy goes into an outburst and scares the shit out of you, because he made me jump a couple of times during his lectures- he probably thinks it brings excitement to everything but it doesn't it wakes you up and then people go back to sleep again. His lectures are very very boring and be prepared to have caffine in you because if you don't you will be sleeping. Last thing, take him and you'll pass!!!!

Required (Major)
Feb 2004
He's a great prof, loves his subject and teaches most things with a whole lot of goofiness. I recommend him highly for ss 121 cause he curves just about every test! Well, unless your class is brilliant in soil science already. There is one paper required during the year, but you get to pick the subject as long as it relates to soil science. It's not hard, cause it's just one paper!

Required (Support)
Jun 2006
Ruehr is the rudest most uninterested prof that i have had at Cal Poly. I was in his lab and everyone got about 50% on his quizzes. when i went to his office for help on a bad grade, he said "what do you want me to do about it?" All the time, he was looking at his computer and ignoring me. He evidently doesn't care about his students. I heard that he just retired. So, good riddance!

Required (Major)
Nov 2012
To understate Dr. Ruehr is to say he was a unique individual. He was witty and eccentric, with a penchant for tie-dye. While his methods were unconventional, nobody can say he was not a master of his field of study. If you scored above 50% on any of his exams or papers, you did well for your self. It is a shame he was not more appreciated by most of the 1000's students he taught over his multi-generational career. He was a fair and objective teacher who's goal was to improve all students ability sharpen their mind and achieve their intellectual capacity. If you studied under Dr. Ruehr, consider yourself to be fortunate indeed. "Sugar, or yeah, I knew her... sweet gal." PhD Candidate, Cornell University

SS 221

Required (Major)
Dec 2002
ruehr is a great teacher however can be hard to follow at times because he is the smartest man alive. if you complete all of your assignments you will recieve a good grade. his tests are hard as hell and most people do poorly on them however still get good grades because he knows his tests are very difficult and few people but him know the answers to the test questions.

Required (Support)
Mar 2004
He is the best professors I have ever had, I am so happy I took this class with him. He has such in incredible personality. He is a little crazy at first, but once you get use to his humor it makes the class more enjoyable. He is very helpful in office hours and is willing to meet with students at anytime. Watch out for his tests, they are intensive. He has over 1700 questions that he makes his tests with. He also took a class in test writing, so all I can say is you better know your material. He does curve an incredible amount. The best part of Ruehr is that he loves to teach soils. He is so passionate that you find yourself interested in soil more then you ever dreamed. He is by far the smartest teacher I have ever known. This guys knows everything, really!

Required (Support)
Jun 2005
Ruehr filled in for Smith in Spring due to an illness and was I ever disappointed. He knows his stuff but speaks over the student's heads. also, he tries to entertain rather than teach. I was very happy when Smith returned from his illness. Don't take Ruehr for 221 lab or lecture, take Smith!

Required (Support)
Dec 2006
I was shocked that Ruhr recieved such a low score. Although he often has scattered lectures, they are always interesting and you can learn so much. If you want to actually learn and challenge yourself, then take Ruhr. Also, he is always willing to give his time to answer questions and help you and if he isn't in his office, Smith or Appel probably are and they're always willing to help as well. Ruhr may expect a lot from his students, but is that such a bad thing? Dr. Ruhr is one of the most passionate and knowledgable professors at Poly, If you have the time, and ability to work hard, take one of his classes.

Required (Major)
Apr 2008
Anyone wanting to learn will love him. The first time I took one of his classes i was a freshman and didn't get it. But now that I am older and want to learn, not just pass, I really regret not utilizing his knowledge the first time. All his crazy antics in class keep you in full attention. I have taken a lot of classes from a lot of teachers and I can honestly say he is one of the best. He cares and is willing to work with you. His tests are really hard, but they force you to learn. He grades papers really hard, but they force you to write better. After a couple of his classes I am hands down a better writer. So all you ag business people out there stop bitching, heres a teacher you can learn from.

Graduate Student
Aug 2015
35 years after I took his class I am quoting him in a class I teach on Organic Fertilizers. Great guy, I was privileged to keep in touch with him years after graduation. I was an ABM major that sold fertilizer after Poly, he always took my phone calls and answered my questions. I miss him and his "Ubiquitous bugs!"

HUM 302

General Ed
Aug 2001
HUM 302 with Ruehr is a great class for anyone, not just ag majors -- but take it at the risk of getting a bad grade. The course material is excellant, and should be presented in more of the same classes. Ruehr knows the subject well, but has stringent grammatical standards for the papers, and he doesn't miss one mistake. Don't take this class if you want to remain unknown to him or the rest of the class...class discussion and debate is a must.

Aug 2001
Dr. Ruehr is a very knowledgeble professor. It is important for students to fully understand their role as a student. You can not turn in a paper you have not proofread. We all learned many years ago to proofread and have another individual proodread papers. You are in college, hence you should be prepared to use proper grammar!

Nov 2005
This class would be of value to most CalPoly students. You will learn how to evaluate an issue in an organized, professional manner, write a professional essay about it, and then present your side of the issue at a live forum. The tools you will learn are ones you will recognize as the tools used by many truly effective speakers. About the requirements for essays in his classes...realize that there are many levels of writing, and what is a laudible effort by a high-school senior and college freshman will not cut it in the professional world when you graduate. If you learn the guidelines he provides, you will be able to "run with the big dogs" when it comes to writing (and public speaking) when you graduate and get a job in your field.

Required (Support)
Dec 2005
this guy is out of his gourd! He expects too much from the student's grammar/punctuation in his writing assignments. He grades more on grammar than content. Is this supposed to be an English course. i got my paper back after Ruehr graded it and I couldn't see my typed words for all his red pen corrections. What a jerk! Also, he is very late in returning the graded assignments. Avoid at all costs!

AG 315

General Ed
Oct 2005
Obviously, I didn't fail Ruehr's class but far and away he is the most certifiably insane person I have ever had teaching a college class. He;s nice enough, curves grades quite a bit but his lectures can be difficult to follow and his interjections are bizarre! Also, the writing stle he requires on papers is absolutely nuts. I've always done well in English and have pretty decent grammar but my papers would come back and I would have 3-10 points taken off just for "grammar" errors. I showed one paper to a former English prof and asked what I was doing wrong. He told me nothing and that he would never mark me off for the things that Ruehr did. Hint - use short, choppy, one noun, one verb sentences and avoid all else. Take Reuhr if you absolutely love what he teaches, otherwise avoid at all cost!

May 2007
I agree with a student's comments 100%. "He is extremely critical and discourages the student with negitive comments and unnecessary sarcasm. He is a very educated person who's ego has overtaken his ability to teach". They summed it up. He finds pleasure in watching students fail. He thinks that he is helping us, when he really does the complete opposite. I was excited to take Organic Agriculture, but found out that I dread attending this class. Ruehr let Dr. Phillips lecture a couple of times and fully enjoyed his lectures. HE seemed very nice, educated and easily approchable. He actually had his lecture posted before class (what a novel idea). I nominate Dr. Phillips to teach AG 315 for 2008.

POLS 326

Aug 2001
Professor Ruehr helped instruct Poli Sci 326. We were required to turn in a paper he graded. Out of a possible 30 pts the hightest I heard of was a 15. He is extremely critical and discourages the student with negitive comments and unnecessary sarcasm. He is a very educated person who's ego has overtaken his ability to teach. Our papers were returned to us at the time of our final, and we were not allowed to talk to him about his grading. He did not follow his our instructions and seemed more interested in criticizing the student than using his knowledge and ability to educate and encourage us. He has gone as far as to tell students there thoughts were wrong. One of the comments to one student was how he has the most mistakes of anyone in the class. Doctor Ruehr is my advisor which will soon change. I will not any other classes where he is involved. He seems to delight in having a reputation as a hard grader and has a smile as the student feels demoralized.

SS 422

Required (Major)
Nov 2007
I was curious to hear what people wrote about Dr. Ruehr and all i have to say in response to their comments is that those people are probably lazy unintelligent ag majors that expect soils classes are a cake walk...Dr. Ruehr is one of the best professors I have ever had, he challenges his students but its only in his best interest. If you want a super intelligent crazy professor that knows pretty much everything about anything then take Dr. Ruehr. Warning, he makes you laugh a lot so be prepared!!

Graduate Student
Jan 2009
Dr. Ruehr passed into the Light on Wednesday, January 7, 2009. He was absolutely the best teacher I have ever had at Cal Poly. He challenged me to the max, and kept me running. He was my unofficial major advisor and comforted me through difficulties in my program. Dr. Ruehr was always there for me and for students I knew. He approached all of us with kindness, compassion, interest, and intellect. His office door was perennially open, and often he wandered outside his office to peek over our shoulders as we worked on Dr. Smith's assignments. He gently encouraged questions and was eager to help calculate through answers. He was a back-pocket calculator instructor who also loved the excel spreadsheet assignments. He demanded extensive reseach from all students, Freshman to Grad students. His aim was to create students well able to continue onto Grad school or compete in Grad school. I am proud to be a Dr. Ruehr student and know others are as well. He will be missed sorely by his students.

Required (Major)
Feb 2009
R.I.P...."only the good, die young!"