Phillips, John  

Crop Science


13 evaluations

CRSC 132

Required (Support)
Mar 2001
Dr. Phillips is boring!!!! He has NO personality. If you have the option to take another teacher I strongly reccommend it because you won't get much out of his class. Most of the time you will fall asleep or not even bother going to class.

Required (Major)
Aug 2002
Nice guy. Dr Phillips may not be the most exciting proffesor but you deffinatley learn alot, especially about corn. The final was harder that the tests but if you take good notes you should do well. He is always willing to help too. Just go to the crops office and track him down.

5th Year Senior
Required (Support)
Mar 2009
Do not take this course if you need it for a support class. It's very difficult to receive a high grade. Dr. Phillips' class is very boring, and he just reads his powerpoints all class. The tests are extremely difficult fill in the blanks questions, which Dr. Phillips will not help you with at all! And the labs are very pointless. If you do have to take it, good luck!

CRSC 244

Graduate Student
Jun 2006
The Very Most Distinguished Teacher in the World. This guy is tops. Both his lab and lecture are extremely interesting. His field trip was the very best I have been on at Poly, and I learned so much. Poly is lucky to have this class offered, and even more lucky to have this particular teacher. This area of Ag is cutting edge techonology and not offered at many other Ag colleges. Take this class even if you are not a Crops major. You can fulfill a minor requirement and fill an important niche in your resume.

AG 360

5th Year Senior
Jan 2004
Ok, listen up people from the college of AG. if you have to take holistic management, AG 360/450, be prepared to have your time wasted. This class was so god damn worthless. It basically tells you over the period of 10 weeks that grazing a cow too long will hurt the ground, and if you don't have money, don't try to spend what you don't have. Wow, what a fucking concept. I learned nothing in this class, and all quarter you are given no grades what so ever until the end when you get slapped in the face with a "portfolio" of stuff you have learned and then a final worth some amount of points, your not even told how many points anything is worth until you get your grade. Nice. This class is a total waste of space and John Phillips is a FUCKING IDIOT, AND SO IS ALLAN SAVORY.

CRSC 411

Required (Major)
Oct 2002
Dr. Phillips is a pretty nice guy, and a good teacher. He's just so damn dull and dry. This combined with the fact that 411 is THE STUPIDEST FUCKING CLASS I'VE EVER HAD TO TAKE IN MY LIFE!!!!! Makes it impossible for me to pay attention in class. Honestly, the class is the most unuseful, ididotic waste of time, it's unbelievable. Switch majors

5th Year Senior
Required (Support)
Jul 2003
I thought this was a good class. I had not taked Statistics before and I still did well. Dr Phillips is good at explaining things slowly and clearly if you need it. Use his office hours if you get lost!!!! He is great one on one. This class did have a lot of numnber crunching, but you get to do that during lab, and check your answers so it could not be easier. Study for the quizes; they are harder than the tests. Make sure that you understand "why" you did the math in the lab sections. Too many students just tried to get trhough lab as fast as possible, and did not really understand why they were adding certain number together, and then they did poorly on the exams. The prof is there to help lots in lab, use that time and you will do well!

Required (Major)
Jun 2006
Very good teacher. Students work hard for the grade and he rewards accordingly. He is a practical applied teacher who is willing to spend time with students to understand and complete homework. You cannot slack in his class and survive it.

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Jun 2009
411 is a really easy class. He gives you the answers to everything and the tests are open notes. There is absolutely no excuse to get anything less than an A on exams. He is willing to help you through the sections during lab period but YOU HAVE TO STAY! Everyone in my class who didn't do well were the first ones out of class each day. The quizzes are pretty difficult, but if you take good notes and do the reading....then study them, its not too bad.

CRSC 441

Required (Major)
Mar 2003
Dr. Phillips is a nice man, but he lacks in his abilities as an instructor. His standards don't seem to be high until you receive your papers and tests back (if you get them back), from whence you realize that there seems to be no standard grading system, thus making it very subjective (and mostly un-fair). From polling the best and worst students in class, no grades higher than a B were given. Seemingly, there was no rhyme or reason as to why he gave D's and F's just as easily as he handed out B's and C's. I worked my butt off in the class, but obviously received no results. I would strongly advise anyone not take him if at all possible. And, beware of his "little man syndrome," by avoiding any confrontational situation.

CRSC 445

Required (Support)
Apr 2001
Phillips is extremely boring. He is hard to pay attention to because of his monotone voice. I recommend to any one not to take any courses from him. Deviate all that you can. Also he doesn't present materials clearly and overall he is a horible instructor.

Graduate Student
Apr 2004
I strongly recommend this course for those seeking a crops science class in sustainable farming. This professor combines the centuries old tried and tested methods with modern ways to farm sustainbly, economically, and conservatively. His grading is a bit tweeked, and students should secure a solid agreement from in the very first day of class to 1) grade all papers and materials, 2) average the grades, and return graded materials other than the final. This professor is fantastic. I recommend him for this course and any course. Finally, I hope he lives and teaches forever, or at least long enough to pass on his excellent philosophy, work ethic, and teaching methods to younger professors. He is, in short, among a dying breed of professors willing to work side by side with students to show us good solid skills to fill our toolboxes for our future.

AG 450

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Dec 2002
Dr. Phillips is a good teacher. He cares about the students success in class. He is always there during his office hours, and willing to help. He does have a bit of a low mono-tone voice, so you better be alert and ready for class. Look for his funny sence of humor that pops up every once in a while and you will enjoy the class better. He is not entertaining, but a fair, good teacher who does his job well.