Migler-VonDollen, Theresa  

Computer Science


9 evaluations

CPE 101

May 2016
Theresa is awesome overall. Probably the most genuinely nice person I've ever met. The class was very clearly set up. A lot of work, but that was to be expected. One of my only critiques is that she doesn't have very many office hours, and comes late to them a lot which is irritating (usually I get less then 5 minutes of actual time with her because so many people show up). I usually just went to the evening CS tutors because they were more helpful/more available (GO THERE!! They rock) Overall great though. I feel like I have a great CS base for the future. Python is cool! Would recommend!

CSC 101

Jun 2016
CPE101 is hard as shit !! Don't take this class unless you have to, or are VERY interested in comp sci. I was thinking about doing a minor in comp sci and I now clearly know that I do not have what it takes. It really helps to have prior knowledge of Python before going into this class. Do not take this class lightheartedly - it will eat you alive. That all being said, Professor Migler is very sweet and knowledgable about her material. She'll try to help as much as she can. She has a very positive attitude and does her best to energize the class about the subject !! If you are looking to take Comp Sci, I would highly recommend Migler. She cares about her class, and she works closely with her TAs to help every student as much as possible

CSC 103

Aug 2016
Super easy honestly. Explained the material in a very simple to digest theoretical way, although she was no help in practical applications.

MATH 247

Nov 2016
This is the first C I have recieved in my entire life. I hope that says something to all of you out there watching their GPA. Do not take him--this class was a nightmare!

CPE 348

Required (Major)
Jun 2016
She assigned homework to be due the day of the final...Just so you know, she WILL do that to you. Personally hate when professors do that so...wasn't a fan. She's very nice but will take off major points for doing the proofs even slightly wrong even if you come to the correct conclusion. Doesn't curve if she can help it so...expect to get what you get on the midterms and final. Overall, she was pretty okay but the lack of a curve and the HOMEWORK will get you. BTW, she initially says to do all of the homework but you only are graded on the even problems so...only do those; it'll cut down on you workload by about half. Good luck.

CSC 348

Required (Major)
Mar 2017
Migler is a sweet lady who kinda reminds me of my mom. She cares a lot about her students and goes through the material slowly enough for all the students to understand. The material, however, is terribly boring and most of it is completely useless. She really goes out of her way to make sure her students get everything. Homework is no longer mandatory in her class. Instead, she has weekly quizzes where she pulls problems directly off the homework. I suggest just looking up every problem on google and finding the solutions. If you know how to do every problem on the homework, you're guaranteed a 100 every time. The class is quite simple and the only reason I didn't get an A was because of the all-or-nothing problems on the midterm and final. Most of us have to take 348 though, and Migler's definitely the best one to take it with.

Required (Major)
May 2017
Prof Migler is a really wonderful teacher. I enjoyed her class, and recommend you take her. That said you should know what you are going into with 348, because the structure of things can make it difficult. The course grading system assigns 45% to HW quizzes, and 55% to exams. Exams are somewhat difficult, and will cover the whole range of topics, but grading is straightforward. Partial credit is somewhat generous on Proofs, and completely nonexistent on non proofs. Most people struggled somewhat with the exams, with average around a C, but I was lucky to pull through with a B. Your greatest obstacle to success will minor errors that cause you to not get points for an all or nothing question, assuming of course you know enough of the proofs to get solid scores (even if you don't get full points for every one). HW Quizzes are the exact opposite. They are not particularly hard, and cover a very small subset of topics, but grading is incredibly inconstant. They are graded by a TA, and it just happened that our TA seemed to hate undergrads. As such many people found them selves regularly getting Cs, Ds, or Fs on hw quizzes where they generally did mostly the right work, but made notation errors or other minor errors that would see them losing 20%+ on certain problems. The reason I got a B instead of a C in this course is because I knew when the TA was being excessively harsh, so I met with the professor and stated my case. I didn't always get points back but I got at least 5% of my total grade back via this method. Hopefully your TA will be more fair, but it was clear that there was a misalign in the grading systems between Dr. Migler and her TA. Overall, Migler teaches very well, and is extremely helpful in office hours. I highly recommend frequenting her office hours if you are struggling, as she does a great deal to attempt to help students who show up. She is not above working through a homework problem or two to assist students who are struggling, so long as a good faith effort is made. I highly recommend you take this course, just be wary of the grading system.

CPE 349

Graduate Student
Required (Major)
Apr 2017
She is a fantastic teacher and one of the best at Cal Poly. Her lectures are very informative with great slides and excellent board work. Don't miss lectures! Her programming assignments are great practice of the algorithms you learn and they are very fair. Her quizzes are based off the homework, and the homework can be very challenging. However, she only picks the reasonable questions from the homework to put on the quiz and she is great in office hours to help with difficult problems. Her tests are very fair as well. Overall take any class with her! She is great!

CSC 349

Required (Major)
Nov 2017
Dr. Migler is one of the best professors I have had at Cal Poly. She presents the material clearly, has a well-structured system for homework, labs, and quizzes, and is always willing to help during office hours.