Wright, Chris  



3 evaluations

AGB 369

Required (Support)
Mar 2016
This is an awesome class with an even better teacher! She works very hard to make sure all the class understands the material and stays up to speed. Class structure was pretty simple; quizzes practically every class (they're not hard, maybe takes 5 minutes each) and no midterms or final. However there is a group project but even that is pretty simple as long as you don't wait until the day its due to actually do it. You have to present your project to the class and thats probably the "hardest" thing about this class. Plus, if most of the class does bad on the quiz questions she gives points back! If you have to take this course I highly suggest this teacher because not only is she a chill grader but she is very knowledgeable and passionate about the subject.

AGB 401

Required (Support)
Dec 2015
Nicest professor I have ever had at Poly. Her class is very easy, no final or midterm, just quizes and a group presentation. Even though this class was easy I found it very informative and learned more in this class than most AGB classes. Overall, Wright is a sweetheart and really cares about her students. This is now AGB369

AERO 460

Feb 2017
Just as great at Bruce Wright who teaches AERO 310. Chris made the class fun and informative, I not only learned a lot about the Aerospace industry but also general career and interview readiness. This was a class I actually looked forward to going.