Johnson, Elizabeth  

Social Sciences


3 evaluations

SOC 110

General Ed
Oct 2015
Alright, so this teacher heard that she was labeled as "easy" so to toughen up the course she speeds through the lectures and makes the midterm 80% book material. She does not highlight or expand on anything from the book so you have no idea what to study (except everything) and makes a vague study guide for the midterm. Why even go to class? Because if you miss more than one then you drop a letter grade. This isnt difficult material, she just is terrible at teaching it. Befriend her, annoy her, and good luck

General Ed
Nov 2015
Alright, so don't get me wrong, this professor is such a sweet lady and is very entertaining to have a class with. I love her personal experience stories and she is excellent about breaking up a two hour class period with movies, guest speakers, and powerpoints. BUT, when it comes to the midterm.... our entire class was unprepared. She gave us a study guide which pretty much said to study all of the chapters covered(A TON of information) and was extremely vague. The test was at least if not more 80% of the book's information which we do not discuss in depth during class period ironically. The class average was a 74..... Maybe she'll change her ways, maybe she'll curve the midterm. Who knows. All I know is this "seemingly easy" class turned out to be one of my most frustrating because no matter what I do, I am unsure to how I will meet her standards. So to summarize, sweet lady but be prepared for uncertainty which (at least for me) adds to stress level.

ARCH 422

Nov 2016
What the guy/gal below said. Amen. I too took this class and have long since graduated from Poly, but I was cruising Poly Ratings for a kick and thought that I should pipe in and let you know how much of a joke this prof is.