Ridgely, Pam  

Mechanical Engineering


6 evaluations

ME 236

Required (Major)
Jun 2015
Where to start with Professor Ridgely. One of the worst lecturer I've ever had. Very little of what she says is understandable. Her English is very poor and she often leaves out words, leaving you guessing what shes talking about. Although she is always roaming around during the lab offering help, anytime we had questions she could never explain anything well enough to where it was worth listening to her talk (it became agonizing as the quarter went on). Her grading on the lab memos was absolutely ridiculous. I have no idea what you have to do to get an A on a memo in this class because she never gives them out. Worst of all, the points that she takes away are for the most arbitrary and mundane things. I swear she just does it because she doesn't want to give any A's. This lab coupled with Hans' lecture was the worst class I've taken at Cal Poly hands down.

Required (Major)
Oct 2016
This chick is absolutely terrible. DO NOT TAKE HER!!!! Her lectures will bore you to death and she treats every student like they're a total idiot. Also, her grading schematic makes no sense and it is literally impossible to get an A on the memo assignment. Do whatever you can to avoid her. POLY needs to get rid of her.

Required (Major)
Nov 2018
Hands down one of the worst professors at Cal Poly. I would normally feel bad about giving a professor a 0 when she already has that, but Pam deserves it. She was incredibly condescending, unhelpful, and unclear while "teaching." I only did well in this class because I understood the statistics in lecture and could do well on the midterms. The lab reports are absurd and she gives no clear instructions or guidelines, but will gladly tell you how bad your report is after she grades it. Take anybody but her.

Required (Major)
Dec 2018
If you are somehow the poor soul who got stuck into her lab becuase it was the only one left, it was the only one left for a reason. Horrible instructor. She will take half of the time in lab to lecture us about the exact chater we had to read the night before in order to take the quiz at the beginning of class. I felt bad for her at the beginning but then I realized that every shortcoming is entirely due to her own wrong doing. I would trust a Child Development major to teach this lab before her. Please do not tenure her Cal Poly.

Required (Major)
Oct 2019
Pam Ridgely is the most incompetent professor of all time. She barely understands the idea of teaching & absolutely refuses to adapt any kind of grading structure in her course. If you are stuck in her lab, it may be worth dropping the course & waiting for a quarter when you can get another professor. She happily hands out failing grades on assignments while never explaining how to succeed. She is nowhere near helpful in understanding the concepts of the course & somehow makes an already boring subject SO much worse. Waking up to this class at 8am is the perfect way to ensure your entire day is ruined. Her imperfect English is not her fault & I cannot discredit her efforts, but it is practically impossible to understand her when she skips every other word in a sentence. Her mind jumps from example to example & she never finishes a clear thought. My section started with 18 students & quickly dropped to 10 by week six because most students just couldn't bear her anymore. There's a reason she's the only professor without a waitlist. I would normally never grade a professor so harshly on here, but it's only fair to warn every incoming student to never take a class "taught" by this woman. I pray for every unlucky soul stuck in her God awful class. Good luck.

Required (Major)
Jan 2020
Yeah she deserves the 0 stars. Made a once-week, simple lab my least favorite class I have ever taken at Poly by far. Horrible on all levels. Very picky and overly demanding on lab memos. Incapable of explaining basic, necessary information. Overall just incompetent. Consider dropping if you get stuck with this instructor