Schroth-Glanz, Madeline  



39 evaluations

STAT 218

Required (Support)
Dec 2019
She was so nice and answered all the questions that I had. Her handouts that she makes for the class are really informational, but you have to take them seriously. If you just breeze through them, which is easy to do because they are not turned in, you will fail the tests. Just take the class seriously and ask for help. If you do this you will do well and understand stats.

Required (Support)
Feb 2020
I definitely recommend this class if you need to take STAT 218. Maddy was a fantastic professor and I really enjoyed going to her class. This mostly group-oriented class, which I understand isn't for everyone. She would spend about 10-20 minutes lecturing and then the rest of the time was group work on the handouts she would give each week. Honestly, I wasn't a huge fan of working with a group since they are randomly assigned, but I worked on my own a lot which was totally fine because you aren't graded on anything as a group. This is a very concept, heavy class. The math nor the calculations are hard, but you really need to understand the content of the work you're doing. Her exams were very fair, I believe two midterms and a final. There is homework that is done online. Overall, I highly recommend this professor. I was able to get an A with a minimal amount of studying and I really valued her method of teaching and this class in general.

5th Year Senior
Mar 2020
She should be teaching high school stats. Attendance is mandatory even though all you do is work on a handout. She talks for 10 minutes then you just work on a handout the rest of class every day. It is a "reverse learning" class so you basically teach yourself. She comes off very nice and sweet but is not understanding if things come up and you need an extension or anything of the sort. Tests are not that hard but a teacher just running through slides and get to the point would be much more effective.

STAT 251

Required (Support)
Feb 2015
Maddie is a terrible teacher. I am someone who has never taken stats before and the way she teaches is just awful. She doesn't present material clearly and many times is wrong with her numbers. She talks to us like we're in kindergarten when we ask questions. She is also convinced that if you ask a question about something that even though you say you don't know it that you do know it. The three times I tried to go to office hours to try and clarify her terrible teaching (I should say its more of a lack of teaching) she was determined that I knew the answers to my own questions. It is impossible to get a straight answer from her. She always responds with, "You know this" or "Think, this is easy." Her grading on quizzes and tests are also ridiculous. Your answer has to be perfectly like hers or its wrong. Quizzes are about once a week and you have two midterms and a cumulative final. Homework is assigned weekly and also graded like her quizzes and tests. If you are like me and have never taken a stats class before you will be screwed with Maddie. Avoid taking her unless it is absolutely necessary for you to take her class or you want to be treated like a five year old kindergarten student.

Required (Support)
Feb 2015
Ok so Maddie isn't that bad. I have never taken a stats class before and i currently have like a B+/A- range. If you go to office hours, she helps you and clarifies a lot. Her teaching isn't that great but it's not bad either (I've had worse). She tries to make you think about the answer, she doesn't want to just give you the answer. She gives weekly homework and quizzes but she also drops your lowest quiz grade which is helpful. Again, if you go to office hours, she really does help you. She's a chill person, but her teaching could use a bit of work when it comes to going into detail in class. I would still take her class.

Required (Support)
Feb 2015
As a second year in her class, I would hope to be treated as an adult, but I have been treated like an incompetent middle schooler. She teaches her class with painfully basic powerpoint presentations while asking questions expecting the class to participate almost every 30 seconds, which is more frustrating than helpful and makes for painfully long pauses and useless wastes of time. She creates her tests and quizzes with material similar to questions assigned for homework, but attempts to trick you with stupid little procedural nuances in order to make you lose points. Needs some serious thought on how to challenge students without giving them material that challenges them not confuses them on tests. Lastly she is painfully stubborn and extremely entitled. Feels like you are in high/middle school all over again and she is on some weird power trip. Don't take her unless you have to, she need some serious time to figure out how to teach college students.

Required (Support)
Mar 2015
The worse teacher to set foot on this campus. I would rather run over hot coals for miles a day then to have her as my teacher. How she got hired here astonishes me. The fucking worst professor ever. Madeline Schroth-Glanz you fucking suck at life.

Required (Major)
Mar 2015
Please for your sake do not take Maddie. She is truly an awful teacher. She takes material that shouldn't be difficult and makes them seem like the most impossible concept in the world. Not only do I see problems with the way she teaches, because I could just self teach to be able to succeed in the class, but her midterms are impossible. I get As on every single quiz and homework and think the work is fairly easy. But your grade is mostly dependent on the two midterms and final and they don't reflect what she teaches at all. The exams are nothing like any homework you've ever done or any quiz you've every taken. She purposely does this as well because being a new teacher she probably thinks that's how tests should be.. And when students ask her if a type of problem will be tested on the exam she refuses to tell us and makes sure not to give us any clue as to what will be on the exam so that we're unprepared. Maddie is hands down the worst teacher I have ever taken. People from other stats classes with other teachers have better grades than I do and I end up tutoring them in their classes. Save yourself

Required (Support)
Mar 2015
Avoid taking this class with Maddie. I took AP stats in high school and this class is basically the same thing, however, Maddie presents the material very confusingly. She makes quiz and homework quite easy, but when the test comes, she gives problems that no one knows how to do. Homework is due once a week and its about two hours worth of work a week. There are quizzes every Monday on material we covered the week before. Then for the test, I would recommend knowing how to do problems forward and backward (This killed me on the second midterm, I went from a mid A in the class to a low B). The worst part of the class is that she treats everyone like second graders, and gives boring powerpoints where she demands student participation on concepts we haven't even learned yet. Granted this was her first quarter teaching so she might get better as time goes on, but I still would NOT recommend taking this class with her. Also, she doesn't curve anything, no matter how much we pleaded with her.

Required (Support)
Mar 2015
Professor Schroth-Glanz is an average professor, but has the potential to be a good one. Homework and quizzes are straight-forward, but tests can be difficult. This is mostly due to the fact you are pressed for time in such a short class period. Overall, I would recommend taking her, but be prepared to do a lot of the learning on your own. She also isn't the most helpful in office hours as she usually answers your questions with questions of her own.

Required (Support)
Jun 2015
I didn't have any knowledge of Stats going into this class, but she helped slowly ease us into the class, then when it got difficult we were prepared for it as well. She's really helpful if you wanna talk to her or have any problems and her office hours are pretty reasonable and she actually shows up to them and accommodates students well. The one bad thing is that Stats is a very extensive class by itself and even when split up into 251/2 it's hard to cover everything in 10 weeks, so she seems to rush on some subjects and then take a while on others, but overall a good teacher and nice person.

Required (Support)
Aug 2015
At a very good school such as Cal Poly you'd think that they could have gotten a better quality stats teacher. She teaches the class with power-points and does not give the class anything much more than that. In terms of concepts, that's all that it is. Not enough good examples. Plus with such a short class, she manages her time poorly. She will ask wasteful questions to get class participation when she could be teaching the class the important formulas or sections of the lesson. Throughout the class you feel like a little kid with her belittling questions and awkward smile as if you were 5. With the class being 50 minuted this is a huge problem and mistake on her part. Be sure to know the material 100% or you could get railroaded on the tests. Overall in my opinion she maybe could teach first graders at a below average elementary school.

Required (Support)
Dec 2015
I thank that Professor S gets more hate than she deserves. She tries her best to explain material and help students, but most students don't participate or pay attention. The tests are conceptually based but if you pay attention in class and take the time to actually learn about statistics they aren't too difficult. College should challenge you and Professor S does a good job of managing this and also curves the class at the end if she believes it should be curved.

Required (Support)
Dec 2015
I am pretty indifferent towards Maddie. In class, the structure is pretty uniform: lectures straight off the power points, one worksheet a week, and one homework assignment a week that takes about 2 hours. In class, there isn't too much time for questions, but I thought her office hours were very helpful. I think a lot of people are very harsh on her. If you put in the work, passing the class should be very doable, and if you study hard and go to office hours or to stat tutoring, a workshop, or study session, an A or B is in reach. I got a B+ in the class and studied really hard, went to office hours, and did all homework with a partner so we could compare answers. I can honestly say she has prepared me for Stat 252.

Required (Support)
Feb 2016
This was my first time taking Stats and at first I thought it was okay. I quickly learned that it was not okay. The problem with Schroth-Glanz is that she goes over her powerpoint and gives you a worksheet that is incredibly difficult right away. There's no "easing" into the material which I find difficult. The exams are incredibly theoretical so its important you understand the concepts behind it, not just the math. I should've gone to office hours more in the beginning but I still had a workshop. I genuinely didn't know if I was going to pass the class, with me going to office hours and a workshop AND genuinely did understand most concepts. I really studied my ass off for the final and considering I passed, I'm assuming I did alright on the final. If you go to office hours, she does try to help you a lot to be fair but I think most people were just so mad/annoyed/angry with her that they didn't bother going to office hours. The class is INCREDIBLY fast-paced so you have to be on your guard at all times and ready for midterms to be two weeks apart.

General Ed
Mar 2016
Professor Schroth-Glanz homework is easy, its her tests that are much harder. The quality of work she expects on the tests is not the equivalent to what she assigns as homework. So if you do take this class, study problems that she doesnt give you that are 10x harder.

Required (Support)
Mar 2016
Schrott-Glanz is an OKAY professor. Her lectures are understandable and she clarifies questions/grey areas very well. However, her online quizzes and tests are very different from the material we go over in class (she tests us on more conceptual things). Also, she never goes over the homework in class so it's impossible to know if you're doing it all right or not. -> She gives 3 Exams (worth 20% of your grade each), One final (25%), Reading quizzes almost every week (5%), Group Handouts/worksheets (5%), and Homework (5%). **I would not recommend taking her class UNLESS you've taken stats before in high school (ppl that have taken it before tend to do really well in her class). **

Required (Support)
Mar 2016
This is my second year at poly, and I have now had 14+ professors. I can say without a doubt that MSG is the only Prof that'll make you feel like you're in middle school if a student isn't laying attention or is doing off, fully expect her to interrupt class to single them out or scream at them to wake them up. She definitely belongs back in high school at the most. This is collge- if someone doesn't want to learn don't make them. But she's on some kind of power trip- it's hilarious. Thoroughly unhelpful in answering questions, always tries to give you as little information as possible which usually just draws out the whole process of trying to learn one small concept. The homework and handles she assigns are decently straightforward. She even goes out of her way to make you study guides for the midterms! How nice! Except if you see a topic or certain kind of problem on the study guide, is basically guaranteed you're not seeing it again on on the tests. If I could think of one word to describe her teaching style, it's wasteful. She wastes the very short hour of class with her antics, hardly actually lecturing about anything that, I dunno, MIGHT SHOW UP ON THE TESTS?? She spends most of in class lecture asking an open ended question every 30 seconds, then waiting 2 minutes for the same 3 people to answer. Then she probably gives out a handout and leaves you to it. Expect to do a lot of solo learning in this class.

Required (Support)
Mar 2016
Professor S is the best professor I've ever had. She makes sure all of her students are engaged and learning, and has no hesitation to wake sleeping students. I've never felt so confident in statistics, and I think all the negative reviews here are biased by students who don't pay attention/attend class. Definitely recommend any class recommend by Proffesor S.

Required (Major)
Mar 2016
This teacher is the worst professor I have ever had. I pay attention in class every day, attend every office hours, go to tutoring every single day of the week. Unfortunately I have received D's on every exam. Currently only 25% of her class is passing. When I do not have anxiety about whether I am going to pass her class I am sitting there hating her with a deep passion. I have never had a professor who gives and grades such TERRIBLE exams. I studied for the second exam for a little while and got a 63%. So I stepped up my game and studied for a week with a tutor and got a 60% on her next test. I go in with her exams to tutors and they do not know how to do the questions on the test. This class is bull shit. put off taking stats if you can to avoid this class.

Required (Support)
Mar 2016
Read a lot of reviews on professor S and disagree with a lot (most negative comments correlate with bad grades meaning these students are upset with the class rather than teacher). She is a very good professor and teaches at an extremely slow pace which makes it so it is impossible to miss anything important. I took AP stats in high school so this class was review but the pace benefitted me in remembering everything. She truly cares about her students and also makes an effort to know their names which is pretty rare in a college class of 60 kids. She does call on the class frequently and her tests ask more "deeper thought" questions which is annoying but reasonable as this is necessary for the Stat 252 class. She is a very well rounded teacher and i would recommend.

Required (Support)
Mar 2016
Her class is manageable. As a student with no background whatsoever in Stats and as someone trying to maintain a high GPA to change majors, Professor S did an adequate job. The class is comprised of 3 exams (60%), about 7 or 8 online quizzes (5%), one hw assignment a week/in class group worksheets (5%). The in class worksheets are simly credit or no credit for doing it. She grades homework and has this system of choosing random problems to be graded and then gives points for if those were correct, plus points for overall completion. If you're not careful with your homeworks, it's easy to get docked 5-6 points an assignment. However, the work load is extremely reasonable and predictable. You have 1 week to complete a hw assignment, which is about 12-15 problems from the chapter. Her online quizzes, however, were a pain in the ass. Often times the questions were worded very confusingly and some were trick questions that required a good amount of thought. Despite that, they WERE helpful in grasping the content of the class. Plus, they're only worth 5% of your grade. She'll begin the course by scaring you and saying her homeworks and handouts are "mechanical", while her tests are "conceptual'. STOP DOING THIS. I'm sure there's some kind of psych term for it, but it literally just scares students into doing worse than they would have if she never said that. However, her tests are decently hard, but not if you've been diligent about understanding the material and actually doing problem beyond what was homework. People really complain about her, but there's something those people aren't understanding. Yes, sometimes she's unfair and sometimes her grading is too constricted. BUT, YOUR PREPARATION is in her best interest. What kind of professor would she be if she gave you an easy A and let you go onto STAT 252, and struggle even harder? Grow up. Suck it up. She has your best interest in mind, give her credit for that. The only complaints I have about Professor S is that she is extremely vague, and that was extremely annoying. It's really unnecessary to say "I don't know" when the class asks you how many problems are on the exam the next day. I don't see the point to keep THAT a big secret. By keeping it a secret, you're just adding extra stress. Be more open. Stop being so conspicuous about what'll be on the exam. It slowly make the course unfair. However, I do understand why she does so, it's to prevent students from underestimating the hardness of her exams if they hear that it'll just be 10 questions. Overall, Professor S is not a bad professor. She is young, but she does have an extensive amount of knowledge for statistics and can answer questions very clearly and won't stop until you get it. If you're not going to be a cry baby and if you're actually going to try for this class, then you WILL get at least a B. Again, this all coming from a first year trying to change their major into business with absolutely no background in stats.

Required (Major)
Mar 2016
MSG is a good teacher, don't hesitate to take her. However her notes are very unhelpful. They come from a powerpoint and you have to print like 30 pages of it every week and it's really hard to take notes on what's important versus what's not/an example. She goes really fast through things, and I think it confuses everyone. I took AP Stat in high school and that made this class literally a review class, so it wasn't hard for me, but I know everyone else struggled a lot with her. If you take her just make sure you go to every class, take the notes vigorously, are available for very early office hours and own a good printer.

Required (Support)
Mar 2016
Don't take this class. She is a trash teacher who grades homework and grades tests like the SAT. You get points off for getting questions wrong. I am a loving person, but I HAAAAAAAAAATEEEEEE this woman.

General Ed
Mar 2016
Yeah awesome professor, really interesting class. I thought the information was laid out very clearly for most lessons, some are difficult but stats is hard so its unfair to expect it to be a walk in the park. Super reasonable mid terms and homework. could have gotten an A if I put forth a little more effort (and i didnt really put that much)

Required (Support)
Apr 2016
She really cares if students succeeds, the way she teaches is just confusing. Sometimes she explains things in a weird way, but when she explains them in a simplified version in office hours, it's actually really clear.

Required (Support)
May 2016
You think that you're doing okay on the homework and worksheets but the tests are nothing like you would expect. She grades super hard and our class had averages of 60%'s and terrible quiz score grades. She only opens the online quiz after 6 pm for some reason so if you miss the 6 hour window your screwed. She doesn't curve the individual tests, just the overall class so you have no idea how you're doing in the class throughout the quarter. I would not recommend if possible to avoid.

Required (Support)
May 2016
Madie is a good professor. I learned a lot and I had never taken stats before. Her tests are hard, so if you have her and you join a workshop, you will for sure get a B. She is a really nice lady and wants her students to do well. If you don't understand anything, GO TO HER OFFICE HOURS. It helps soooo much!!! She doesn't deserve the terrible poly ratings. People that didn't put in the work are just bitter.

Required (Support)
Jun 2016
She's actually a really nice person. My biggest tip is to go to her office hours. I had no clue what was going on in class but the office hours helped a lot also join a study session. Her test are extremely hard, especially the final I could only fill out less than half of it and I guessed on the rest. BUT she curves the class, apparently really heavily because I ended up with a B and I couldn't do like any of the final. You're going to have to put in a lot of extra effort with this class but its doable.

Required (Support)
Dec 2016
Honestly, she isn't that bad of a teacher. She presents material relatively clearly. Yes, she does talk slower but it's to make sure that everyone understands the material and what's happening. She's better than a professor who rushes through everything and isn't clear. Interpretations are very important in this class, so once you get them down, the class isn't so hard. (remember the p-value interpretation, she asks about this a lot)

Required (Support)
Feb 2017
Professor Schroth-Glanz is not as terrible of a teacher as most reviews listed here claim. Personally, I found her very helpful and preferred her teaching style over most professors. If you struggle with staying on top of your work, her class is very helpful because her frequent tests and reading quizzes ensure you're keeping up with the course. She also teaches as if it is a high school classroom, and that might not work for some people that expect to be treated like "adults," but I personally found that this helped me tremendously. Her course notes are incredibly well-formatted and helpful as a tool for reference. Statistics can get very confusing, but if you pay attention in class and go into office hours, you'll be well off. Her tests can be difficult but if you study the course notes she provides and practice the problems that she wrote herself, you'll thrive on tests because she writes them herself.

General Ed
May 2017
If you have never taken a statistics course I would NOT recommend Schroth-Glanz. While she seems nice and to care about her students, she is almost incompetent when it comes to presenting material. The reading quizzes in her class are extremely hard and her finals are unlike anything you work on in class. If math comes naturally to you, you might be able to get by, but definitely do not take her if your skeptical about statistics course.

Required (Support)
Nov 2017
Ms. S was my favorite professor my Fall Quarter! I was very nervous going into the course because I had an awful STATS teacher in high school, but she surprised me and made me enjoy the subject. Your grade is 5% instructor discretion, 12.5% PolyLearn quizzes based on reading and she encourages you to complete them with others, 12.5% homework quizzes with problems straight from the homework and she lets you simply copy your work and turn it in, 45% exams which there are three of, and 25% final exam. Math is a difficult subject for me and she did a great job teaching it, she always stops for questions, and is extremely helpful during her office hours. Her tests are pretty difficult but they are manageable if you study, and she kindly provides formula sheets. The only downside of the class is how quickly it moves because of the quarter system, but that is not Ms. S's fault. My advice is to ask as many questions as you can, do not be afraid to go to office hours, pay attention in class, and study.

Required (Support)
Dec 2017
she goes really fast then gets upset when nobody knows the answer. her lectures were average. she's willing to help in office hours but not super approachable. i'd say try and avoid her.

Required (Support)
Dec 2017
Pacing can be a bit fast for students who have not taken AP STATS in highschool. If you do express a concern or confusion on a concept during class she will immediately slow down and re-explain it, which was something she did very well. There are 3 exams and a final for this class. All three exams are pretty fair, my tip is to show as much work as you can because she will give partial credit. The final was super weird though, it was an extremely difficult exam and problems had a lot more complexity than the problems on the previous exams. I was actually surprised to receive an A in this class because before the final I was pretty borderline A-. She does curve the class at the end of the quarter if she feels its necessary. Overall, I would say very average teacher.

Required (Support)
Mar 2019
Professor S as she goes by really just doesn't know how to teach a low level stats class. She makes concepts far more difficult than they need to be or completely fails to teach them (signing up for the workshop and getting a good teacher for that helps A LOT) . Her tests are significantly harder than any of the homework assignments, practice exams or work sheets. As far as grading goes she is not forgiving or willing to work with any mistakes what so ever. Her homework quizzes are not graded on actual completion of the assignment but on complete accuracy of the questions (this is what really hurt my grade so I recommend getting chegg from the start to check your answers off of).

Required (Support)
Mar 2019
Professor S is the absolute worst professor I have ever had, her class leave you constantly gasping for a breath of air. Her test are way beyond difficult and never relate to the material in the HW or the handouts she gives. She said our class this quarter has the lowest averages out of all the years she has taught but maybe bc she would miss five classes out of the quarter and randomly have her husband teach for the day. It is very difficult to learn when you have two different professors teaching you the same material in a completely different way. HW is extremely do-able, however, you barely benefit from the HW as she only will ask you to turn in about 3 question of the HW and if you get one wrong you are automatically failing the assignment. She gives lots of online quizzes that have only 2 or three questions so the same works that if you get one wrong you already are at a 50% for the assignment. The quiz question also are worded to trick you like her tests are and you will most likely interpret things wrong just as she intended. One time she gave a quiz in and a handout and most people did the quiz before the handout bc it was shorter then moved on to the quiz and the whole class got a question wrong on the quiz and her response was, "well if you did the handout first you would have known the answer." Anyways just avoid this class please.

STAT 321

Required (Major)
May 2017
This is a hard class. It's got stats and calc, and a whole lot of numbers with abstract meanings. This professor teaches it as well as it can be taught. There are daily assignments that are kind of like fill in the blank notes which you fill in as she lectures (it's a lot less kindergarten than it sounds and is a really nice way to guide our notes) those notes can act as your textbook if you don't want to use the textbook...which I didn't. The homework is made up of assignments that are presented similarly to the notes but are meant to be done in a group. These are pretty hard but shouldn't take more than an hour or two a week. The biggest thing with this prof is office hours. She is super nice, incredibly understanding and very knowledgeable so if you have questions then go to her daily office hour. As far as grading is concerned she seems to grade easier now than what other reviews are saying because I didn't have a problem with her grading at all. Definitely recommend.

Required (Support)
Jun 2017
If you didn't take stats in high school and don't have kind of an understanding of it then she will not be a good teacher for you. She presents concepts that are not very challenging in a confusing way when they don't have to be.