Lonsway, Kim  

Psychology and Human Development


5 evaluations

PSY 102

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
She's cool and interesting

PSY 201

General Ed
May 2002
Kim is cool.

PSY 360

Required (Major)
Jun 2003
Professor Lonsway loves her class and it shows. She has a ton of experience in policing and has a lot of interesting stories tp share with the class. She was always trying to come up with new creative ways to teach by bringing in interesting guest speakers, an optional field trip to the mens colony (how many people can say they have been to the mens colony before???), as well as other teaching techniques. The tests were straight from her lectures (which come directly from the book), along with a few questions from a video or guest speaker. The main focus of the class was our project, which she worked with the class every step of the way, giving us a lot of opportunities for easy points. Besides that she also offered plenty of extra credit opportunities. I definately recommend Dr. Lonsway.

Required (Major)
Dec 2007
Lonsway was approachable and fair grader, however it's been awhile since she taught this class, and I feel that it showed through her teaching style. She mostly used overheads, and would lecture, but often times she would skip entirely over key points on her overhead and just tell us to find it in the book...which is sometimes okay, but our book was not the best book written...it could have been much better, but unfortunately it's pretty much the only book out there on Applied Social Psychology. AND i paid $100 on a little paperback book that was obviously photocopied...EL Corral definitely ripped me off. Anyway, PSY 360 wasn't terrible, sometimes it was pretty boring, but we go over a lot of different topics so that was a good way to show us different fields. a MUST is going to the mens colony, it's optional, but that was one of the best opportunities...you get a up-close and personal tour of the prison and you literally are right next to prisoners and talk to them too, it's definitely an unusual experience. So thank Lonsway for providing us with that opportunity. Overall, she's a nice lady, there's lots of in-class activities, research proposal and bibliography which sound daunting, but since it's a proposal, it's not as scary.

LA 619

Graduate Student
Nov 2016
Trump 2016 -> Kanye 2020 -> Vermen Supreme 2024 -> ??? -> Profit