Koch, Martin  

Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering


61 evaluations

IME 141

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
First of all if you can stand the sight of a dirty ass santa clause looking Koch, you're on your first step to hell. Along with boring ass lectures and labs, he ends up having conversations with only one student. Koch has his favorites and refuses to recognize any student he doesn't wish to. The grading in the class is similiar to the NBA draft(a lottery). Since he's the only instructor in the class, I'm sorry for your misfortune. Koch doesn't belong to be a IME instructor, but as a History teacher at Cuesta. He is unprofessional and looks like he was just mugged before class.

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
I would say that Koch is a pretty cool teacher. His labs are easy. He tries to keep things up beat but I had a morning class so everyone was tired and didn't feel like talking. I didn't noticed him single anyone out and no I was not one of his favorites. The class is easy and he doesn't grade on how well your castings are but that you put the effort in to learn how. It's a beginning level class so he doesn't expect anyone to be perfect.

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
I really enjoyed Martin's class and I also didn't feel as though he singled anybody out, in fact, I thought he was very fair. Although the lectures seem long, if you stay interested and involved, you shouldn't have a problem. P.S Martin dresses the way he does probably because of the kind of hands-on work that he has to do on a day to day basis, I disagree with the first persons comments

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
Martin teaches this class as it should be, easy, it is a begginner class. The grading is done by attendance and the final. Grades are not distributed by the quality of your work, but the attempt and the lab time put into it. There is NO OUTSIDE OF LAB WORK, very cool he gives out reading for the class... but I don't think anybody reads them. He makes alot of jokes in class, most of the freshman don't understand. The class is fun most of the time, it does have it's boring points. Organization is a little low but the lab assiatants are to blame for some of that.

Required (Major)
Aug 2001
Fun class. You get what you put into it, and you dont need to put much into it. Usually showed a video rather than lecturing, and handouts were common but I never read them. The final was a take home essay, and didnt require much work. Koch is a cool teacher, and has a very wide knowledge/interest band. He makes a lot of jokes which few people get becuase they're based on actually having learned something usefull in the past.

Required (Support)
Mar 2000
This was an excellent introduction class where I learned several different casting methods. The grading is based attending the labs and a take home essay final. The lectures with videos were very boring and I got very little out of them. It is very tough to explain different casting techniques to people who have no experience with that type of work. After I did the casting projects in class I had a better idea of how casting worked. I didn

Required (Support)
Mar 2000
He definitely knew his stuff about welding and casting. The class was extremely boring though...filled with 70's videos and labs taught by TA's. You cant really get around not having him since he is the only one that teaches IME 141 so just suck it up. Make sure you go to all the classes and finish the labs. As long as you do that, you will get an A. He is very passionate of welding and casting. Watch out though...3 hours pouring hot metal is not very fun. Just picture Dante! Have fun:)

Required (Support)
Sep 2000
This guy is hilarious. He always had something to say that would lighten the whole class up, and I'm glad I had him as a teacher. I remember someone saying that he looks like he got mugged just before class, and I'm laughing my ass off now that I think about it. He handed out all sorts of packets, and I didn't have to open one of them. Apparently he didn't grade hard over the summer, so there were no tests nor essays that he assigned. All he asked was that you show up, and try hard; and the people who didn't got a's anyway.

Nov 2000
This is an extremely easy class. You do the work in the lab and earn your A. Koch lectures but during the lab you must rely on the TAs. It is fun and interesting class. (P.S. don't spill the melted aluminum)

Required (Support)
Mar 2001
Great teacher. Don't be put off by peoples remarks about how he dresses. Would you wear nice clothes to work if you dealt with molten aluminum on a daily basis? He is down to earth and has an excellent grasp of the real world, unlike some instructors whose world ends at the campus entrance. He tries to make the lectures enjoyable, although morning classes weren't fun to get up for. Grading is easy, especially since this is a freshman level class. He is easy to talk to and doesn't have a barrier between him and his students.

Required (Support)
Mar 2002
there are two take home homework assignments, and four lab assignments in this class. the lab assignments consist of making aluminum and brass castings. the labs are easy, fun and very rarely take the entire lab period to complete. this class is all about learning by doing because there are no books and the lecture portion of the class is very short. martin is a super nice guy, extremely laid back, extremely helpful, and very funny if you get to know him. the class requires very little time and is a guranteed "A" if you show up to every class.

Required (Major)
May 2002
I enjoyed the class a lot, Martin is a really cool teacher that took the time to help me out with casting projects above and beyond what was required for class. Near the end of the quarter you can design and make your own casting too. Oh, and he dresses a little dumpy 'cause he was a hippie in the 60's, hang around long enough and he'll tell you about it.

Required (Support)
Jun 2002
Koch is a totally cool guy. He doesn't get mad, and is a very straight shooter.

Jun 2002
Martin was a great teacher, not just because it was an easy class and everyone gets an A, but he taught you what you needed to know and didn't bullshit around. You come to class, do what you need to do, and leave. He's also a real smartass which is cool because you don't find too many professors with a sense of humor. I would take this class just to see if manufacturing is right for you.

Required (Support)
Nov 2002
Martin is a good teacher. He's a real smart ass which is cool 'cause you don't find too many teachers with a sense of humor. The class is easy as long as you show up and do the few assignments that were assigned. The class is a good hands-on experience.

Required (Major)
Dec 2002
He is a really good guy, helps you through whatever difficulties you may encounter in his class.

Dec 2002
Excellent teacher for this cake class. Really knows his stuff and keeps a sense of humor when he presents it. Also, his final was quite a christmas present.

Jan 2003
Koch is a good guy. Kinda negative, but funny. He presents the material relatively well and is very understanding with the students. The labs are a lot of fun also. If you want an "A" all you need to do is show up to all the lectures and do most of the homework.

Required (Support)
Mar 2003
If you dont get an A and learn something from Martin then you need to drop out of school, and get hit on the head with a tack hammer because your a retard.

Required (Support)
Mar 2003
Easy class, easy teacher, easy A. But that's how the 1 unit courses should be. Martin's different in that he is funny as all hell! I love his sarcastic, smart-ass sense of humor!

Required (Support)
Apr 2003
At first glance, this guy seems really lazy. He is. But he also makes a genuine effort to make the class interesting. I hated welding and machining, but loved casting because Martin didnt talk forever on technical details that no one is going to remember. He only gave us the basics, so I actually remember something. The labs are really cool- you make a lot of key chains. Super easy to get an A, and Martin is easy to get along with too. If he taught something else I was interested in, I would totally take it.

Dec 2004
I had Martin for IME 141. The class is an easy A to boost the GPA. There is no homework. There is virtually no classwork. Just show up and do the metal casting. The final is a take home 2 page essay. You actually learn a lot about how things are made. Take the class!

Required (Major)
Dec 2004
I thought of the Net Shape class as more of a craft class. Koch does make it somewhat interesting, though. He's enthusiastic enough about the topic, although often he isn't in the best mood and can be impatient during the labs. The final is a summation of the videos watched during the quarter. It's pretty important to take notes during the videos, at least enough to stay awake. The class rarely is three hours long - once each project is done you can leave. Grades are based on attendance and the final.

Required (Support)
Dec 2004
An easy course that feels like arts and crafts...with molten metal. Show up for the labs, put a little effort into the final and you would truly have to be a dumb-ass to not get an A.

Required (Support)
Jan 2005
Koch is a great teacher with a great sense of humor. He even swears in class, which I find cool for some reason. This class is an easy A, and you learn some pretty cool things. You even get to make yourself some sweet keychains and stuff. Definitely take this class; don't pass up the opportunity to dress in an '80s spacesuit and play with liquid metal. The only real assignments we had were a group of mini-essays for the final, explaining some examples of casting techniques. Those got boring, but they were easy and we had a few weeks to do them.

Required (Major)
Mar 2005
This is a freshman class, so if you're not a freshman, you'll soon be surrounded by a bunch of cocky little freshman. Otherwise, the class is an easy A and Martin is great. The only bad thing, is he takes role. Every day. On the dot. So he knows who's there and who isn't, which doesn't really matter for the grading, just that you feel like crap coming in the next day and he's like, you were out. But he's really understanding about personal issues and he is totally approachable (don't let his appearance fool you, he really is an easy-going guy). And yeah, it seems he only talks to certain people, but he doesn't single them out, those of us he talks to are just the ppl that happen to stick around at the end of class and just make small talk with him. Easy class overall.

Required (Support)
Jun 2005
Wow. Just show up and do what you're told, and it's pretty much an easy A. The labs usually take about than 2 hours, sometimes less. Koch (pronounced "cook") is an easygoing laid back guy. I was usually pretty tired by the time I went to Koch's class, and I fell asleep in the "lecture" a couple of times, but I still got an A. The videos are pretty interesting, but the casting labs were tons more fun. Too bad I fell asleep a few times, I think I missed out on some interesting stuff. Overall: a good guy and a good teach.

Required (Major)
Nov 2005
Martin is a great teacher, and person. He has a very organized class, where you take a small quiz on readings each week. If you show interest in his subject, he will go above and beyond to help you with extra projects. Overall it was a fun class with a good professor.

Required (Major)
Feb 2006
Awesome! This guy is amazing, the class was easy and fun. He really knows his stuff and is willing to help the students in and outside of class.

Required (Major)
Feb 2006
Martin is a cool guy who likes to work in the foundry lab. It seems like he almost lives in that new engineering building. He is a good teacher and the class is a lot of fun. Research case studies and you're fine. Pouring the metal castings and making the models is awesome. found out a lot about something i didn't even know. martin is a little techinical in his terms, but don't worry all you need is the basics. overall fun class take it. pouring hot metal rocks.

Required (Support)
Apr 2007
Koch is the man, the myth, the LEGEND! The Dude bought the whole class donuts, 'nuff said! This guy is a great professor, funny jokes, just one of the guys. Take him!

Required (Major)
Dec 2007
Easy A. Koch is a really funny guy if you have a sense of humor, and he tells you some factual stuff about foundries etc during the start of every class. Outside that, you just play around with molten metal and grinders, how could you go wrong? You get to keep everything you make, which includes some nifty little trinkets. Not a single one of my classes lasted the full 3 hours, most got out in 2 or less. Even the final is easy... He said to the class during the final "Well, those 2 people aren't here, so I guess they set the 'B' curve." To sum up, a fun guy with an easy A. Take him if you can.

Required (Support)
Feb 2008
Martin Rocks, and you have to take him so what's the use of going on polyratings?

Required (Support)
Mar 2008
Martin is a really cool guy, and he makes the class fun. He knows that the class is only worth one unit, and treats it as such. Idk if anyone else even teaches ime 141, but if they do, take Martin instead if you can help it.

Required (Major)
Nov 2008
First day in martin's class i thought it was going to be a joke. but i actually learned something and was excited each day i went to class. Go to class and youll get an A. Making cool shit is plus as well.

Required (Major)
Mar 2009
Very easy A. But make sure you dont fall asleep in the lecture. I went to every class and did very well on the final but can a A- because I dont think he liked that I fell asleep one time. But how couldnt you, it's sooo boring! But overall, hes easy.

Required (Major)
Dec 2009
Fucker gave me a B. Hes super easy i just forgot to copy the answers for the final when he went over it.

Required (Support)
Feb 2010
He tells you on the first day that it\'s going to be easy since it\'s a 1 unit class. There\'s no homework and he reads the final out loud to you the week before, so just copy it down! And he\'s a super funny guy. You\'re gonna get him anyways since he\'s the only one teaching the course. Just try not to fall asleep.

Required (Major)
Jun 2010
What can I say? The man tells you he gives you the answers to the final on the first day of class. These 3 Golden rules will GUARANTEE you an A: 1) Respect the man and don\'t don\'t fall asleep in class and just pretend to pay attention 2) Go to every class/lab every time despite the fact its so boring. You can do it. For God\'s sake you only do busy work and make key chains all day which is not nearly as bad as say Statics or Dynamics. 3) Go to the lecture where he gives you the answers to the final. Yes he gives you the freakin answers to the ENTIRE final and the test is open note too. You can\'t go wrong w/ that. P.S.-If you got lower than an A, that just means you f***ed up or Koch hates your guts. P.S.S.-This guy is hilarious if you bump into him on a Thursday night outside a bar. This guys\' got jokes when he\'s buzzed. Overall a cool guy. Take him.

Required (Major)
Jun 2010
Easiest class ever. Well it\'s mainly because it is a one unit class. We often got out of class early. The lectures were boring but labs were fun. The week before the finals, he gives you the answers. So there\'s no way you can not get an A in this class.

Required (Major)
Nov 2010
His class is packed with a lot of information, however you don\'t really have to learn any of it. On the first day of class Martin said he\'s never given anyone a B, and I believe it. He goes over the final the week before the midterm so just be there for that day.

Required (Support)
Dec 2010
Martin is legit. He really knows his stuff and although he doesnt teach it very well, it doesnt matter. The final is open notes and he reads it to you the week before. He always says \"this is a one unit freshman level lab, and i treat it like a one unit freshman level lab\". hes really fun and in love with his weiner dog. take him if you can, not the other guy!

Required (Major)
Nov 2011
He's a baller. Automatic A if you're taking IME 141.

Required (Support)
Dec 2011
Hilarious, interesting, and made a 3 hour lab at 8 AM Thursday morning enjoyable. He ALWAYS let us out early. You can take notes throughout the course, but the class before the final he literally goes through every question and gives you the answer. Just don't only write down the letter (a,b,c..) because he mixes it up. I got out about and hour early everyday. We made pretty cool stuff in his class. I would forsure take any class he teaches!

Required (Major)
Feb 2012
He makes sure that you do as much work as the class is worth...1 unit. All you do is fill out a worksheet every lab, and make a keychain. It's too easy to get a B in the class. all you have to do is not miss a lab, never fall asleep during his videos or lectures, and take notes when he GIVES YOU THE ANSWERS TO THE FINAL! it's open notes so you have no reason to not get an A

Required (Support)
Jun 2012
I got an A- :[

Required (Support)
Jun 2013
For what it is, it isn't too hard to be a good teacher for this subject. But he is a very entertaining person and does a good job of explaining things. It is an easy A and he teaches it "as a one unit freshman level class". I would have enjoyed less time spent on case studies (evaluating why a certain casting technique was used over another for a certain project) even though they are very easy. For this class, I recommend trying to have fun and actually volunteer to pour aluminum and make molds etc. Don't even think about your grade until week 9 when you copy the answers from the final that he reads to you.A

Required (Major)
Aug 2013
Hilarious, easy, fun...everything you would want in a professor. On a side note, he likes to vote multiple times on election day, "once in the morning, and again in the afternoon". That note aside though, he's a fabulous guy! PS: He loves his pet dog.

Required (Support)
Feb 2014
Professor Koch is pretty laid back and understands that this is a freshmen level class. He tries to make it fun, engaging, and interesting. Of course there are times where you're sitting around in the computer room, but that's only because they can't have everybody casting molds at the same time. Fun, easy class. He even lets you out early sometimes.

Required (Major)
Dec 2014
Martin is a great dude. From the start he makes it clear that it is a 1 unit class and that he isn't gonna be strict about the material. He makes the class fun and we RARELY went the whole 3 hours. Most of the time we were out after an hour and a half. The lab activities that we did were cool and we got to make some sick shit. If you find out you have to take this class you should be stoked as it is absolutely nothing to stress about. Just make sure you wear pants and close-toed shoes. Also he's an Oakland Raiders fan and loves to be harassed about the abysmal quality of his team.

Aug 2015
Automatic A. Effort needed: 0. Enjoy the stories of Koch!

Required (Support)
Mar 2016
Go to class, do the labs, and you'll be fine. Koch is super nice if you talk to him one-on-one, and he'll let you come in to do extra projects if you ask! Awesome guy!

Required (Major)
Dec 2016
Martin is a super cool guy, and very knowledgeable. The labs are fun, and the lectures are long and boring but there isn't too many. No outside work, easy A. And his dogs are cute.

Required (Major)
Dec 2016
Martin is awesome! His lectures will make you fall asleep, but you get to make lots of cool things in the labs. He's a really funny guy too. And his final was literally only 4 questions that he gave us the answers to the class before.

Required (Major)
Jan 2017
Martin was literally the best. Most weeks we listened to him lecture for 45 minutes, casted some stuff and then left. He gives you the answers to the final and theres no homework. How could a class be better??

Required (Major)
Feb 2017
Martin's a super chillin dude. There's really nothing to justify complaining about with this class. Yes it can be boring, I fell asleep to many times to count. But I can't really complain because the casting part was always pretty fun. You get cast a lot of things and show them off (coasters, keychains... paperweights lol). Freshman IMEs get blocked into this class so it's not like I had much choice here, but for people who need a tech elective or just a fun class I would 10/10 recommend this class. You don't have homework, you rarely never need to stay past 2 hours. And the final is open notes. Basically word for word off the study guide he gives you in week 9.

Required (Major)
Dec 2017
During my quarter, he had a blood clot in both lungs and was out for two or three weeks. After he got back, he basically decided that attendance and grades didn't matter because he had just almost died and gave everyone A's. That being said, the videos he shows from the American Foundarymen's Society were the most sleep-inducing videos I've ever had to sit through. I could come to the class hyped up on espresso and still not be able to keep my eyes open 20 minutes in. There is no real homework and he did not give my class a final so it was a pretty great experience.

Required (Support)
Jun 2018
Gonna miss em! Good luck out there Koch. Don't get too bored.

Required (Support)
Mar 2020
Super great guy. Funny. Just wants you to have fun. Easy A. Definitely take him over Carter.

ENGR 212

Required (Major)
Feb 2008
Koch is a great teacher. My first impression was that he was a major jackass. But just talk to him about anything and you will find out that he is an extremely nice, helpful, and funny person. IF you have the chance, TAKE HIM!!

PEM 262

General Ed
Nov 2016
Fine teacher, but a little dry in the presentation. I wouldnt suggest having her at 8:00 in the morning, might be difficult staying awake.