Lyons, Ronald  



4 evaluations

BUS 214

Required (Major)
Jun 2013
RON LYONS IS THE BEST THING AT CAL POLY. I failed this class my first year and I hate Accounting more than almost anything in the world, but he is the only thing that made it bearable. He's a full time Accountant, so he barely teaches any sections, but if you have the chance to take his class, absolutely do it. He is one of the kindest, most genuine professors I've had so far. He has mandatory office visits in the beginning of the quarter (you get 20 points for just talking with him for five minutes) so he can get to know you a little better, remember your name, and so that you can understand that he's a real person and he wants you to succeed. Literal gem. He assigns homework but rarely collects it and drops your lowest quiz score. The tests are multiple choice and mostly from the textbook, but you'll still want to go to class. He's bringing us pizza for our final because he is seriously that wonderful. Don't make bad choices. Take 214 from Ron Lyons.

BUS 215

Required (Major)
Dec 2015
Alright this class was fairly boring. We spent time in class just going over the homework and reading out of the book. Pop quizzes every once in a while, and he only sometimes collects the homework. Even though the class was super boring, the class was also super easy. He gave us study guides for our midterms and the final was a take home. He's a pretty cool guy and he likes to go on tangents a lot. Take his class if possible, but bring something to do while in class so you won't be bored.

Required (Major)
Dec 2015
Professor Lyons' class was incredibly relaxed. You would come into class with the assigned homework (he rarely collects it, and when he does, it's based on whether you put in any effort), sit down, listen to him go off on a tangent for 2 hours, then leave. I honestly spent the entire time on my laptop. I would go in for lectures in case he gave pop quizzes, took attendance, or collected homework. He has 3 midterms and a final (mine was take home). They were all really straight forward.. Or I just understood the material. Either way, the class was a breeze and Lyons was honestly a great teacher. Take BUS 215 with him if you can.

LIB 669

Required (Support)
Nov 2016
Taking this instructor is like being in a Twilight Zone episode. You just can