Zatzick, Chris  



7 evaluations

BUS 387

Required (Major)
Mar 2013
I couldn't imagine a better professor for this course. He is an incredibly engaging teacher with a good sense of humor, and his class is very practical. You will walk out of his 387 with practical knowledge AND a good grade. Take him if you can!

Required (Major)
Mar 2013
The material for this class is not challenging. Everything you need to know for the exams are on his slides. He curves the exam grades. The only thing that kind of sucked about this class was the project we had to do for Inuit. It was very time consuming so when the time came to study for the final I had to catch up on all the reading I didn't have time to do. I found this class boring but overall it was a good class. Not super challenging but does require some work if you want the A.

Required (Major)
Jun 2013
This class is a joke. Zatzick's a cool dude, but the class is worthless. He grades participation really hard. I got a D in participation. If you want full credit on it, you're going to have to talk in class everyday, not go on your phone, and if you bring a laptop, don't do anything besides take notes on the web. He has eyes like a hawk, he can say he knows you're doing everything that makes you not deserve a good participation grade. His exams are hard, I'm an A student and couldn't even get a B on any of his exams. I hated his class. It was my least favorite class to go to.

Required (Support)
Mar 2014
This professor is alright.. he is extremely average in teaching. Go to the class to get participation points. He always has a bpring ppt slide to show you. 2 midterms and a final project. The midterms are pretty straight forward the questions are all situational yet he tells you to make flash cards and memorize deffinitions. The project is a joke...

Required (Major)
Jun 2014
He doesn't give out +/- grades which will really screw you over at the end if you're performing at a high B level but you're getting the same grade as someone who is performing at a low B or even a high C.

BUS 475

Required (Major)
Apr 2013
Zatzick was an OK teacher. His material was relevant and the load wasn't too bad. A lot of case analyses and presentations that was all done through group work. Sometimes his objectives weren't clear and it keeps the class confused. He's also a pretty moderate, meticulous grader. His attitude was a bit hard to work with. Don't get me wrong, he has good intentions for his students but he was unnecessarily really harsh sometimes. Good luck!

Required (Major)
Mar 2014
Chris is a great teacher for staffing. Since HR is my concentration I really took away a lot from this class. Everything is laid out very clearly at the beginning of the quarter and the workload is not bad at all. The midterm and final are kind of tough, but at the same time they are common sense and you can work through them. There is group work so make sure you get a group you enjoy working with. Overall I think he is a great teacher for a subject that touches on a lot of real life situations in HR.