Hodges, Corbin  

Biological Sciences


22 evaluations

BIO 213

Required (Support)
May 2013
He's terrible.

Required (Support)
May 2013
Corbin Hodges is one of THE most inexperienced professors I have ever met. His lectures are utterly useless. I could probably lecture better than him. Typical alpha male. His ability to explain biology sucks harder than iron man's balls. A typical lecture consists of endless droning, students drooling, and slides that have random information. In one instance, we spent over 40 minutes talking about the scientific method. Tests consist of his lectures, so you have to try to pay attention..which is near impossible. There are 3 midterms and 1 group project.

General Ed
Jun 2013
This class is BORING!!!!! but unfortunately you have to go to every lecture because most of the midterms questions come from the lecture. Not a hard class but hard to stay awake with his monotonic voice. Better to take it with some friends to keep you awake.

BIO 227

General Ed
Oct 2012
He is a really good teacher, even though his tests are a lot harder than you would expect. The class is pretty boring but he explains things well and makes it a little fun. It's not hard to pay attention because he is super young and HOT hahaha.

General Ed
Nov 2012
Thus far, Corbin is a decent lecturer. He's a young guy, and it's evident that he's still trying to figure out how to do things. He has trouble keeping the attention of the class, though in his defense, it is a rather large class of squirrly freshmen (and a generally rude bunch, I've unfortunately noticed). His lectures are very informative, but get stale after a couple of weeks; he tends to just lecture for an hour straight, take a short break, and then lecture straight through again. To counter that, though, he is very knowledgeable and good at answering questions in an articulate manner. The workload for this class is very easy - some short answer discussion questions online, one or two short homework assignments, a few exams, and a group presentation. The tests are somewhat difficult, though, so skipping class too much will screw you. Overall, Corbin seems like a cool guy, and I'm sure at some point he'll figure out the finer points of teaching a class like this in a way that better keeps people's attention. Not the most riveting class, but it's far from terrible.

Required (Support)
Dec 2012
I'm an animal science major and took this class because I thought it would be informative and interesting...I was very wrong. He taught me absolutely nothing, I learned everything in other classes. I was also in Bio 263 and I learned everything at a more advanced level in that class. He also made the mistake of naming cows, pigs and goats as the top 3 animals used for food, when obviously chickens should replace goats. He made multiple technical mistakes that could pass by uninformed students, but I knew better. The lectures are very boring and hard to get through. Most of his information is biased by his opinion, or he just made up the facts instead of looking them up (goats?!?). I still got an A, but I didn't learn anything.

General Ed
Dec 2012
Didn't use the text book at all. Tests were very hard because he uses really specific information from lectures, but doesn't provide all the information on powerpoints. Really boring lecture. He reads of powerpoints the entire time including random specific facts he holds you accountable for. Thought it would be an easy GE, but it's been a hard class to get a good grade in unless you have a lot of experience in science. TAKE BIO 111 instead!

Dec 2012
Corbin is a young guy and is new at teaching. The reason why he gets graded poorly is probably because this class was full of freshmen or sophomore students looking for an easy class to get by. His test is hard but would be easy if YOU ACTUALLY STUDY. I got a C in this class because I didn't study much and was focused on my other hard classes so I wouldn't blame on him. This class also include mini online quizzes and group project which are super easy. There is a textbook which is actually interesting to read. Overall I think he's a really good professor. So take him if you REALLY want to LEARN about Wildlife conservation!

General Ed
Mar 2013
I LOVED Wildlife Conservation Biology. Very interesting stuff to learn, and you can tell Professor Hodges really knows what he is talking about. I don't know why he has such bad reviews!!!!!! This has been my favorite class I have taken ever, and I am not a BIO student. Just take notes, which isn't hard because the lectures are so interesting, and for the tests study your notes. If you study everything on the notes, you will do well on the tests. If you don't, then you won't do good. Awesome class, great teacher, I recommend it, its all stuff that students should learn! The reason I said N/A for my grade is because Im not finished with the class yet and I don't know what it is yet.

Mar 2013
If you show up to lectures and study before midterms there is no reason why you shouldn't get a good grade. I thought his tests were really straight forward with most of the questions coming from the powerpoints and a few from topics he discussed in class. All the negative reviews are from people who decided to only show up for tests and then proceeded to get mad when they got their grades back.

General Ed
Apr 2013
WARNING THIS CLASS IS INSANELY BORING. BUT it is incredibly easy IF you can sit through his ridiculously boring lectures (made even more boring by his monotone voice) and take relatively decent notes. If you're a student who wants an easy GE and doesn't want to go to class I wouldn't take him, while he puts all the slides up on PolyLearn most of the information you're tested on is from lecture. His slides are really basic and not very helpful alone. There are only 2 midterms (40 questions each), one final (not cumulative and also 40 questions), online "quizzes" (insanely easy), and a group project. The work isn't hard at all I always forgot about this class but Corbin just can't teach to save his life. His lectures are interesting but dull and he has no idea how to keep any student's attention.

General Ed
Jun 2013
This has been by far my favorite GE! It's easier than regular bio classes for sure. He presents the material in a clear and easy to understand way and is a really good public speaker. There's three tests and one easy poster making project as well as a few online homework assignments. It is extremely easy to get an A in this class if you simply study! All you have to do is go to each class and know all the lecture material before you take the test. There is a book but you barely need to read it. I would read it before the exam because there's one or two questions based off it. People that complain about such an easy class are ridiculous babies! This is such a straight forward class. To do well all you have to do is put in a little effort. I really enjoyed going even though it was at 8 am! Take this class!

General Ed
Jun 2013
Ok, so Hodges isn't the greatest teacher to have graced this planet, but this class is super simple. The best way to do well is to GO TO CLASS. His tests are based entirely off of them. If you go to class every day and take halfway decent notes then there's no way you shouldn't get an A in the class.

GER 250

Required (Support)
Nov 2016
Business majors: A degree for the intellectually impaired, HA HA.

BIO 325

Required (Major)
Dec 2012
This guy was probably the worst teacher I have ever had at Cal Poly even though i have an A. He directly reads from his slide, so there is no need to show up to class. If you have a question, don't waste your time emailing him, he will never respond. His grading for the presentation and poster are very subjective, never really tells you the exact breakdown of your grade. His organization and guideline are very broad. His tests are a joke though, however, the amount of questions doesn't show you understanding of the material and missing three can leaded to a B+. But I am glad it is over.

Required (Major)
Dec 2012
Corbin is a truly poor lecturer. He is incredibly boring and makes no attempt to get the class involved. Don't expect to have an eye-opening quarter with him. The material is mindnumbingly simple but he makes up for it by writing really really bad tests. Just memorize every equation and wind current pattern and you will be ok.

Required (Support)
Feb 2013
From the start, Corbin structured his class poorly, putting all the work for lab at the very end, with all these pseudo-educational (but fun) labs making up the first half of the course. His lectures are dry and boring, with scattered bits of trivia that end up comprising 30% of the midterm. I consider myself pretty well-versed in the actual ecology from his lectures, but that's not going to cut it on his tests - if it's a factiod with little ecological significance or a chunk of block text from a paper you skimmed for Friday lecture, expect to be held accountable for it. The material that we're actually supposed to learn is weighted so low in this course, it's almost a waste of time to focus on it. Just memorize every Darwinian finch example or measure for water temperature or angle of something. Make sure you can "infer answers from the lecture" except if he doesn't want you to, or it's not what he inferred. If you have other options, or don't need the class right now, take someone/something else, especially if you're in a concentration/major that needs practical skills from a class like this.

Required (Major)
Feb 2013
Nothing I did in this class could please this fricker. He treats the students as if they should know his material and methods as well as he does, so he's really rude when you ask questions. And even when you manage to pry something out of him that sounds helpful regarding an assignment or project, and you incorporate it into your project, you STILL get burned. He doesn't outline what he's grading you on anywhere, so thing that he told you in OH might have just come from whatever he ate that day or something, but it sure as heck isn't official and he may even end up docking you for it.

Required (Major)
Mar 2013
This class is not difficult. That being said, this is one of the most annoying professors I've had and he makes the class way more difficult than it needs to be. All you need to do is study the lecture slides with your notes and pay attention to equations and species used as examples. The tests were pretty straight forward except for the questions from the discussion articles, and excluding the fact that each midterm was only 30 questions so you can only miss 2 to get an A... But he is not a good teacher and my evolution professor (Kolluru) had already taught me more about ecology than my ecology professor was able to. I honestly believe that I could do better. Really. His teaching is a joke. He had so many errors in his slides and lectures and I'm pretty sure he was just as confused by what he was saying as the class. And he stands behind the class sometimes while he lectures- annoying and distracting. His tone and inflections make it difficult to understand the meaning of his words, but at least he talks slow enough to type his words verbatim. Lab sucks because he saves everything until the end and my lab section got screwed because we had presentations on the same day as his midterm. Easy class but definitely the biggest waste of time because I learned nothing that I didn't already know from evolution (414) or 263. This professor will drive you crazy but you might as well take him if you are just trying to get this class over with.

Required (Major)
Mar 2013
Professor Hodges lectures straight from the powerpoints he posts online, and expects students to remember trivial information about the different species on the powerpoints for the midterms, which are not emphasized in class. This makes it nearly impossible to get an A on the midterms. The first three weeks of lab are entertaining field trips, but then Hodges assigns two projects that have no guidelines and are graded arbitrarily. I would definitely recommend taking a different professor for BIO 325, but if Hodges is your only option, take him, just know you are bound to be irritated by the class the entire quarter.

Required (Major)
Mar 2013
While from the reviews it appears as if Professor Hodges teaches BIO 227 pretty well, trust me you do not want to take him for BIO 325.

Required (Major)
Mar 2013
I started out liking Corbin, but soon realized that he is not only inexperienced as a professor, but also seems to dislike being a professor, as he has no respect for his students. Examples: he sometimes makes students feel stupid for asking questions, he NEVER emails back, he will ditch office hours without warning, and he will unfairly give some students special privileges eg. he let a student that MISSED TWO EXAMS (bc the student never went to class and didn't know when the exams were) make up grades by taking ONE of the exams and doubling that score.... whaaaatt. Not okay. He basically reads his slides which are taken from the book but is not clear about what he expects students to know. I would say that you don't really need to go to class, but if you don't, you will probably get really confused while studying because he has so many errors in his lectures that students in class have to point out to him after he fails to recognize them himself. And then he gets defensive about it. Honestly, I think he still has some maturing to do before he can effectively lead a class. I may have some obvious negative feelings towards him, but not without reason. Just bite your tongue for 11 weeks and you should come out alive...