Montoya, Joy  

Graphic Communication


5 evaluations

GRC 429

Required (Major)
Jun 2012
This class was a waste of time. The whole class was based on tutorials that you had to watch yourself to learn how to use programs such as Flash, iMovie, and iBooks. She doesn't really teach you much, she just comes and helps you in lab if you do not understand the tutorial videos. You could basically learn this entire class without even going. There is also a independent project which you have to learn a new software and create a project. If I could go back in time I would definitely choose a different class.

Required (Support)
Jun 2012
Professor Montoya is a really nice person. Unfortunately, she is a TERRIBLE teacher. This class was a huge waste of time. We learned absolutely nothing. Everything we "learned" in this class was off of online tutorials, mostly youtube. We taught ourselves everything. Flash and After Effects are not easy programs to learn on your own! Also, she grades extremely hard for not teaching us anything. The way she taught us to use a program is by sending us a pdf with links to online tutorials. Originally I was really excited for this class. The course description sounded awesome! If you really are interested in learning something, do NOT take this class.

Required (Major)
Jun 2012
I regret taking this class. Her way of teaching was, as stated before: tutorial videos. Besides this terrible teaching style, she grades rather difficult, she has pretty high expectations for not really explaining her projects clearly. There is an independent project where you learn a software and present to the class, this is where the bulk of the grade comes from. The softwares we used for this class were: Flash, iMovie, iBook, InDesign. The labs were basically work on your own, got questions? look it up online and watch a tutorial video. I found this to be absolutely ridiculous, we pay a tuition expecting to learn from our professors not look up videos to learn from. If you want to learn anything do not take this class, this class is an absolute joke. If i could I would go back in time and take a different course.

Required (Major)
Jan 2016
I was really looking forward to GrC 429 until I went to PolyRatings. Joy had a 0.67 PolyRating at the time I took her, and boy the ratings were accurate. GrC 429 is labeled as "Digital Media", but it's really a User Experience (UX) class. I was very interested in UX so I was super stoked. The lectures she had were mediocre and provided hardily any value to learning about UX. For example, we were talking about wearables one lecture and she had the Apple Watch labeled as the "iWatch". Get your facts straight, geez. She wasn't clear about what to study for midterms and what was due for projects. Joy is a nice lady and all, but she really needs to point out what to study for and what's due each week. The uncertainty is real in this class. Hopefully by next time she teaches this class, she has clear expectations for her students.

CE 713

Required (Support)
Nov 2016
What the guy/gal below said. Amen. I too took this class and have long since graduated from Poly, but I was cruising Poly Ratings for a kick and thought that I should pipe in and let you know how much of a joke this prof is.