Bacolod, Marigee  



5 evaluations

ECON 339

Required (Major)
Mar 2012
This class wasn't as hard as I thought going into it- but it still demands a lot of work. I thought Prof. Bacolod was a good teacher. At times, her lectures can drag on and it seems as if she is simply deriving equations on the board- so it is easy to miss the point, but she gives out lecture notes to follow along and review before and afterwards, which is a good resource. The class is: Problem sets = 10/100, Midterm = 45/100, a 7-15 empirical project = 45/100. You will get time to work on the project in class. She is very helpful during office hours.

Required (Major)
Jul 2012
She's a great teacher but just make sure to have your fundamentals fresh (Stats, math and econ). Midterm is technically a final since it covers all the material in the course and the final paper requires some effort to get a good grade. I was expecting a better grade for the amount of work I put in, but she explained to me why of my grade. I was content with the outcome of the class.

Required (Major)
Jul 2012
This class was a joke. One of the easiest A’s I got in an econ class. If you have taken any basic stat class before, you should get an A, no question. I literally only learned two new concepts in this class, what a waste of time. If you are looking for a “throw-away class” you got it. I spent no time studying outside of class; the pace for this course is INCREDIBLY slow, there are only three homework assignments, one exam (no final), a project, and a presentation. The project took 15 hours tops (with a partner) and you get a note sheet for the exam. This teacher cannot teach and there is no required textbook, so if you are unfamiliar with linear regression and simple derivative calculus, I’d recommend you brush up with an old stat book before taking this class. Overall, I would recommend taking Professor Jaggia for this course. I’ve heard good things about him.

Required (Major)
Nov 2012
While she has good intentions and is clearly very knowledgeable, she cannot teach. Her lecturing is tangential and hesitant at best.

EDUC 466

Required (Support)
Nov 2016