Lascano, Gustavo  

Dairy Science


6 evaluations

DSCI 101

Required (Major)
Feb 2012
This class is super hard. I thought it would be easy since its a 101 class but i have no idea what is going on. The averages on the tests are like 65% as a class average and i personally failed every single midterm. he gives out weekly questions which gets turned in but you have to google the shit out of the question because you have no idea how to get the answer other wise and he goes over the weekly question after you turn them in and get graded on them. The math you have to do in the class is mind blowing. You have no idea what is going on and then he doesn't explain it very well at all. Basically don't take this class. you can study your butt off but it still won't make any sense. If you come over a dairy background you might get it but you might not. its not a 100% understandable. Def, DONT TAKE THIS CLASS. It is GPA sinking. oh and he makes you look at a cut open dead baby 1 week old calf that has been sitting in a hot room. oh and sometimes labs turn into 3 hour lectures and you will fall asleep. his accent is hard to understand as well.

Required (Major)
Feb 2012
This is the most stressful and difficult dairy class I have taken so far. I stayed up till 3 am studying for a midterm and I still recieved a D on it. He does not pesent his material clearly and assumes that everyone knows exactly what the technical terms he is talking about are. It is all about in-depth biology and the advanced digestive tract of a ruminant animal. His accent also makes it really difficult at first to undertand his lectures: I am on week 7 and I am finally getting used to it. A little late in the game.... All of his assignments are confusing and he does not help AT ALL and grades sort of hard! I advise you to save your GPA and your time: DON'T TAKE THIS CLASS EVER!!! You won't learn anything and you will feel stupid because he is talking in gibberish!!

Required (Major)
Mar 2012
Okay, I will admit Lascano's accent makes the class extremely hard to understand and the class is extremely in depth for a 100 level class but I can tell you he is one of the most fair grading teachers i have yet to have at Cal Poly. I received a D on the midterm and a D on the final, i did all of the class work, participation in labs and lectures, as well as any other assignments and projects he asked the class to do and still managed to receive a B in the class. I'm no straight A student and I dont spend hours studying, if you get frustrated with professors who expect you to know material then dont take the class. All I'm saying is he must have done something right if i got a D on both the midterm and the final and i still got a B in the class

VGSC 274

General Ed
Nov 2016
What the guy/gal below said. Amen. I too took this class and have long since graduated from Poly, but I was cruising Poly Ratings for a kick and thought that I should pipe in and let you know how much of a joke this prof is.

DSCI 301

Required (Major)
Feb 2012
I had Dr. Lascano for Ruminant Nutrition and, boy, was this class HARD! He doesn't go over the basics of nutrition (he just expects you to know it) and he will leave you in the dust! He is a great guy outside of class, but in class, he is tough. He gives extra credit and I recommend that you DO IT! It helps out a lot. The midterm wasn't that bad, but the final was insane! There was so much you had to know and it was to the point of major brain-pain! I'd study for hours and feel like I retained nothing. I would recommend taking this class instead of the Animal Science Nutrition class, but be prepared to work your butt off. Good luck!

Required (Major)
Feb 2012
I brought my cat in one day to entertain myself during a lecture... he got pissed, took the cat out back and I never saw it again. Outside of class he is a great guy though. He just hates cats.