Ritter-Taylor, Michelle  

Physical Education and Kinesiology


7 evaluations

KINE 323

General Ed
Mar 2010
Should have been an easy class, it was recommended to me by the athletic counselors, and it partially was except for the fact that getting an A in the class hinged on if you were able to convince her that you are a hard-line feminist. Its hard for me to accept things that i dont agree with (and just shut up), thus the B. She is a terrible teacher with an obvious agenda and i would not recommend the class to ANYONE. Even girls. Plus she has a hyphenated last name, that should tell you everything...

General Ed
Mar 2011
I really did not enjoy this class at all. There was a lot of work to go along with not enjoying the material. i felt my best grades came from just writing to what exactly she wanted which was just so brutal to force myself to do. going at 8am was also quite the pain. there are 2 tests which are somewhat hard if you really don't read and know the concepts well b/c it's mainly short essay questions. if you blow one big essay question you lose a lot of points. there's also random pop quizzes. 2 papers. 6 journal entries. a blackboaard quiz with more essay questions and a 10 minute presentation on a reading with a partner. this class is basically just about how women were and still are misrepresented and respected in sports and life pretty much. If you love the NFL, NBA, MLB and sports in general then you probably will not like this class. even the girls didn't like it. i guess her husband teaches similar classes at poly too. hyphenated last name...why?

General Ed
Mar 2011
Ritter-Taylor presents all material as certified fact. Most of the sources are biased. The course material does contain some interesting topics, but overall the class is not well-rounded. Extra credit includes very limited options that are offensive to Christianity. She also has ridiculous tests and quizzes with VERY difficult essay questions. The questions are typically unclear and expect way too much of already-busy students. She does not prepare students adequately for exams. She grades harshly (coming from a 4.0 GPA viewpoint), and she will not curve. If you can avoid the class/teacher, I suggest it.

5th Year Senior
General Ed
Apr 2015
This is the worst class I've ever taken, and I've taken a lot of bad classes. The class should be called "Man Hating 101." If you love yourself, you will not take this stupid class.

General Ed
Sep 2016
Assigns mountains of reading out of horrible textbooks that amount to $500 new. Video lectures often result in a whine fest about something unfair that happened to her.

5th Year Senior
General Ed
Mar 2017
Her grading rubric is simply awful. Her questions are often vague and unclear so I never really know what kind of answers she is looking for. This class is not worth taking for GE, especially for an online one. Look elsewhere.

PE 323

Mar 2015
Do not take this class unless you absolutely have too. Find another requirement if you can! Yes, it's online and its convenient but if you want a good grade look elsewhere. She is an insanely hard grader. And unless you like reading pages of PDF files, this class is not for you. Also you'll need to suck up in almost every single writing assignment you have to get any chance at a decent grade. DON'T TAKE THIS CLASS IF YOU DON'T NEED TO!