Malone, Daniel  



21 evaluations

MATH 116

Required (Support)
Dec 2008
Mr. Malone is a very sweet and understanding individual. Aside from those characteristics, Malone has no additional redeeming qualities. He has no idea how to present any type of material. He copies notes from the book onto a piece of paper and then comes to class and re-writes those notes onto the board. And this is what i'm paying tuition for. I find it insulting that an instructor such as Malone is allowed to let down an entire group of students who are ready and willing to learn. His lectures consisted of mumbles and fragmented sentences that made absolutely no sense at all. He clearly did not understand any of the material he was presenting, or simply did not know how to teach. Either way, having Malone as your instructor means a very long and painful quarter of rambling and inconsistency. Avoid this professor at all costs.

Required (Support)
Feb 2010
Prof. Malone is really teaching to help students. He gives a very light homework load, and as long as you try, he will give you a 100 for your homework. He is also really great during office hours and will give you popcorn. Really a great guy.

IME 156

Required (Support)
Mar 2010
Overall not a bad teacher but not particularly outstanding. he seems like a nice guy but sometimes he can be a bit too nice, particularly with female students. maybe its just with our class but me and my friends joke, never be alone with Dan Malone. Just a warning to the girls.

Required (Major)
Dec 2015
This guy sucks. He is a nit picky prof who gets off on seeing kids do poorly and then acts like he is sorry about it. Take Rob carter if you can. He is much better!

EE 201

Required (Major)
Dec 2010
What a solid dude. Presents material in a VERY straightforward manner. He was very good at separating the important, \"what you need to know\" stuff from all the crap in between. Also, the textbook in this class is awful and is impossible to read. This guy explains the stuff like its no big deal at all, and it becomes easy to understand. Not only that, there were no midterms, only quizzes every two weeks. He tells you exactly whats on them, and if you\'ve even glanced at the homework problems (which he does not collect) then you will know what to do. Grading is very straightforward, including a final curve on overall class grades. He posts quiz and final grades the day after the test. He does move pretty quickly in lecture, but stops frequently for questions. I think the only bad thing about him is that his writing is pretty messy, but he knows it.

Required (Support)
Dec 2010
Very nice guy. Sometimes loses students when writing on the board. Didn\'t really use the book, although I heard that it helped. Puts all notes and hw answers online which is helpful for review before the tests. Grade composed of 5 quizzes (drop one) and a final, all worth 20 percent of the grade. Wish quizzes weren\'t worth so much. Even so, he made the material relatively easy to understand and it wasn\'t a huge surprise what was on the quizzes. Not a bad teacher overall

Required (Support)
Dec 2010
This class is just full of suck, not only is the book a complete piece of shit, the material in the class is what EE majors take over an entire year Completely my fault for doing poorly in the class, I slacked off and really didn\'t try but luckily I got a D and can retake the class Do the homework Malone is good in that he communicates consistently with students and grades assignments quickly, he just kinda sucks at lecturing but at least he makes his lecture notes and midterm key\'s available

Required (Support)
Dec 2010
This review is for Malone Sr. His class was really straight-forward, and hard work was rewarded. He gives you lecture notes on blackboard and quiz keys. The class had a quiz every other Monday and a final. No homework was collected, but it helped a lot with the quizzes. I highly recommend Malone to anyone who wants a good experience learning EE 201. :-)

Required (Support)
Jan 2011
First of all, I dreaded EE so I put if off until my 4th year. I can't understand why now. Malone was absolutely fantastic. He is one of the most sincere and helping teachers I have had at Cal Poly. His 5 quizzes were very straight forward, and for the most part, were directly from the homework. Homework is not collected so some people did slack off and their grade reflected. If you put time into the homework and go to office hours, there is no reason anyone can't get an A in this class. Would take him again in a heartbeat!

Required (Support)
Feb 2011
Malone is the nicest professor you could ask for. With regard to the class, you take 6 quizzes and he drops the lowest one. Each is worth 20%. Thats all there is, and it's not too hard. I wish he taught more classes, he's a great guy.

Required (Support)
Mar 2011
This class was terrible. For one, the homework was never due so there is no motivation to complete it and the textbook was really difficult to understand. Also, the way Malone lectures is really hard to follow because he writes in random places all over the board and doesn't answer the questions you need clarification on in class. There are 5 quizzes that weigh the same amount as your final. So if you want to get a decent grade and actually learn something, take another professor.

Jun 2011
Malone is a decent instructor. He often lost people when writing on the board. Super nice guy though and totally helpful if you go to office hours. The textbook for this class is probably the worst book I've ever used but you really don't need it except for the problems sets because everything is covered in lecture. The ee dept needs to change the book. Your grade consists of 5 quizzes(one or two dropped I don't remember exactly) and a final that are all weighted equally. They were representative of the material and in general pretty easy. If you want an easy A, show up to class, do the homework, and you won't have a problem.

Required (Support)
Dec 2011
Malone is a decent teacher. His lectures are a little hard to follow but he definitely knows his stuff and you have to respect the industry experience at IBM. He makes a decent effort to put everything on blackboard but there is no organization at all meaning that you really have to want to find something to look for it. The grading is a little unique: there are a total of 5 Quizzes each worth 20% and you get to drop the worst one plus the final which is also worth 20% and that's it. I tended to focus more on my tougher classes with things actually due, but then the quizzes kind of snuck up on me sometimes. The class is a little tricky because it starts out super easy so you think that you don't need to put a lot of work into it, but then it gets very complicated very quickly and I quickly found myself behind with no time to catch up. Advice: stay up on homework, despite how easy it is. Besides all that, Malone is a really nice guy who knows his stuff and loves to teach it. He also is full of school spirit and almost always talks about the football game.

Required (Support)
Jan 2012
Malone is a good guy. Make sure that you do the HW because the quizzes are very close to the hw fact you might find that your quiz problems will "closely" resemble the example problems you would find it you read the book (I found this out when studying for the final and noticing that similarities between my quizzes and the examples)!!! The final was a beast, so good luck with that.

Required (Support)
Apr 2012
Lectures are a bit difficult to follow, but Malone really makes a huge effort to provide resources for those who are willing to study. He posts a TON of lecture notes/material on blackboard (or I guess Polylearn now?) and encourages questions (and answers them well) during lecture. See the comments below for the grading policy if you're taking him for EE 201: it's nice in some ways, but watch out because there will almost absolutely not be a curve. As far as the class goes, the material should not be too difficult for anyone who's taken high school physics and PHYS 133.

EE 321

Required (Support)
Mar 2012
i am so glad my EE 321 section got switched at the last minute from Chinichian to Malone. at first i was pissed because i've heard that 20% of Chinichians class is on attendance and he curves like a mo fo but now that the class is over i'm happy it happened this way. malone not only taught us the material but was an overall great teacher. he gave two midterms and a final, all of which he had graded and posted before sundown that day. the tests were super easy and most of the time straight off his examples with different values. sometimes the values were the same. also all of our departments kids in malones class ended up tutoring the kids in Chinichians class. Chiniche didn't teach them anything and they came out of the class with nothing. overall a great professor and if you're an engineer who has to take EE 321, its malone all the way.

Required (Support)
Dec 2013
I would highly recommend Malone. He teaches the material really well. There was 4 quizzes that were pretty okay, he mostly tells you what exactly will be on it the lecture before. He is helpful during office hours. The final is pretty much all the quizzes combined, not bad.

Required (Support)
Mar 2015
I really can't say anything bad about this guy. This is my second class with him and he really loves the subject. Worked in the industry for years and decided to teach in retirement. His quizzes are pretty fair and easy to get good grades. Our class averages were pretty good for all the quizzes. He goes into the history of it a bit which can be interesting and occasionally gets a bit confusing during his powerpoints. Super helpful and will be able to teach you everything to be successful if you apply yourself.

Required (Support)
Mar 2015
Wow! He is incredibly fast at getting the grades to the quizzes and final posted! And he is very nice and helpful! I was scared about having to take this course as I have never been that great at EE concepts. But Malone was very good at answering questions and just has a great sense of humor which helped me to pass with a B. Great professor!

Required (Major)
Jan 2016
For me, EE 321 with Malone was difficult.I'm pretty sure a lot of them were my fault, but the way he teaches the class wasn't really clear to me. He usually grades the score fast and gives out through polylearn. There is total of 4 quizzes which are 20% each & cumulative final which was 30% . There were random group quizzes which needed to be turned in for credit. Homework are like worth 10%, I believe. I think he was pretty harsh at giving partial credits, since we didn't get any. He seems like a cool dude outside of class, but his explanation and examples were sometimes unclear. I've been to his office hour and it does help, but he only gives out 30 min time to take the quiz and the problem seem to be difficult than I expected. He did read us joke before every lecture, which sorta made the class fun? For me, I would consider taking alot of time to study for his class. It harder than average studying.

ENGL 735

Required (Support)
Nov 2016
Prof cried today.... What a weirdo hahahah get a grip of your life.