Xia, Jiasi  



2 evaluations

HUM 310

General Ed
May 2008
Xia is a sweetheart, BUT..his lectures were rarely interesting and almost never truly informative (it is usually difficult to understand what he's trying to say), so most of the class either never showed up or was asleep during lecture. There were three mandatory 3-5 minute presentations that were impossibly easy to do, since you could take about anything discussed during lecture, about three simple one page papers (again, about anything within some very broad prompts), and one test (the final, a free-write on anything Chinese)...no grades were ever received. Even though I almost never knew what the heck was going on, I still had a pretty good time taking his class, since two of my friends were there with me. Mid-quarter, we had a spring festival in one of the dorms where we got to play games and eat dumplings. Sometimes we would get to watch movies in class, although usually they were in Chinese (sans-subtitles). I HATE YOU, MONKEY KING. This really isn't the worst class you could take for a G.E., since everyone who showed up regularly got an A, and everyone who didn't got an A-.

Aug 2008
He doesn't teach at Poly anymore. He was there from China for two quarters. I'm Chinese and I still had a difficult time understanding him sometimes through his lecture. But overall very nice. Take his class if he ever comes back.