Hunter, Joanne  

Physical Education and Kinesiology


2 evaluations

KINE 310

Required (Support)
Apr 2007
Dr. Hunter was the worst teacher I have had at Cal Poly. Avoid taking this class with her because the material could be fun, but she ruined it. She was extremely unprepared every class. The assignments she gave us were simply busy work. We were required to drive 30 minutes to Nipomo 5 times during the quarter to watch a lesson for 15 minutes. She didn't return sample lesson plans before we taught as she had promised and made some people add new activities 5 minutes before they were supposed to teach. It wasn't difficult to get an A as long as you do the time consuming projects. The whole quarter of this class was pointless and extremely frustrating which is disappointing because I have heard this class is really fun when taught by other professors.

CSC 662

Graduate Student
Required (Support)
Nov 2016
Prof cried today.... What a weirdo hahahah get a grip of your life.