Riahi, Mohammad  

Mechanical Engineering


2 evaluations

ME 211

Required (Support)
Feb 2007
I'm still midquarter, and since there are no PolyRatings for this professor yet, I decided to put one before anyone else registers for his sections. He is absolutely terrible at teaching statics. I should know, since this is the second time I'm taking it. I thought the teacher I had before was bad (Melinda Keller), but this is just atrocious. If you want to pass this class the FIRST time, do NOT take him. You won't learn squat, and that's a real bad thing, considering this class is basically the foundation for every engineering class you will take afterward. He grades like a bitch, too... I work incredibly hard, and I'm expecting a C right now. Take someone else! (YES, even Melinda Keller...)

Required (Support)
Feb 2007
Riahi appeared to be a good professor the first week of class. I understood what he was talking about (even if it was just adding vectors) Then we moved on. He would spend the entire class period arguing with students as to why he was right and they were wrong, when the entire class KNEW he was wrong. He may know advanced statics information but has no concept of ANYTHING else, He straight up told me that factoring out a variable was incorrect algebra and changed the equation. Thanks I have known how to factor since 5th grade. He would promise that the newest section wouldn't be on the midterm, then 1 of the 4 problems (25%) was from the section he specifically said wouldn't be on there. And he is NEVER wrong, he will waste the entire lecture proving that, and wasting time instead of teaching us what we need to know. Most statics classes spent a few days at least on Frames and Machines we spent 15 minutes, on one example and guidelines then took a quiz on it... He assigns homework before he lectures on it and then grades it for correctness. He called people in class dumb, or told them they would understand if they paid attn. By far the worst teacher i have had at Poly. Not only is he a bad professor he is an arrogant asshole as well.