Doub, Phillip  

Food Science and Nutrition


21 evaluations

FSN 102

Required (Major)
Dec 2005
I took Professor Doub for WVIT 102. It was the first time the class had ever been taught, so keep in mind this wasn't entirly his fault. He's normally a senior teacher and this is a freshman class. It was rather difficult. There were actually 3 teachers teaching the material of viticulture, enology, and wine business. He says he intends to change that next time, also the number of students, my class was very large and hard to keep entertained. The class was taught at an extreamly fast pace, so it was hard to keep up. The text books required were great. Buy them if you are at all interested in wine anything. They're great books to read and to just have around. Anyways, over all, I did not enjoy this class, but again, it's not this professor's fault, it was a first time deal. Hope this becomes better and represents the WVIT major better.

AGB 201

Graduate Student
No Credit
Sep 2007
I miss my buddy Phil. A true advocate for the student. Go to him and he'll help, take him and learn. The best of AGB for many, many years and for the sake of those yet to come, many, many more.

AGB 306

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Jun 2006
I read with interest some of the other reviews of Phil Doub and my conclusion is that -- most of you just don't get it. Then again, you're still students and still learning so here's a lesson for you. You see, the reviews you left were all about the class, the lecture style, the... whatever... but what you missed is the potential of the resource before you and it's really too bad. Phil is a marketing genius and guru to many of us who have gone before you. If you don't understand that the small amount of time you have with Phil is a precious resource then again, you just don't get it. Your class with Phil is your opportunity to pick the brain of one of the sharpest marketing minds I've ever known. The question is what will you do with that time? Will you waste it and then complain that the final was all essay format? Or will you understand that you will get out of Phil's class exactly what you put into it or rather, extract out of Phil. Grow up guys -- here's your opportunity to learn from a real master. I would advise you to take advantage of it. Scott Crumpton

AGB 401

Jun 1999
Nice guy. Open to questions, easy to talk to. Keeps class interesting through use of outside resources (speakers, field trips, etc.)

5th Year Senior
Required (Support)
Oct 1999
Mr Doub has a ton of life experience and some really great stories to tie into his lectures. He is not only enthusiastic about his subject, but about his students as well. This guy really loves his job!! he actually learns everyones names. The class was very interesting and I learned a lot of things about human resources that I will be able to use.

General Ed
Nov 2003
He's not like other AGB professors. He tries to teach you something, like Thompson. It just doesn't seem right. 401 sucks, but he does a good job of making it productive and interesting.

Required (Major)
Feb 2016
This professor was angered when I had field trips from my other courses and took it out in me in front of the class. This dude is a total douchbag! Stay away from this dirtbag!

AGB 443

Required (Support)
Mar 2004
Yes it is true Doub is a fun guy but he can't teach. AGB 443 was a complete waste. The book was just a collection of news articles (500 news articles). The class needed to have more structure. Doub also didn't make it cleear on what he wanted out of students. It was rare to get full credit on a test. He always marked off for something. He also has favorites and defently caters to them. He is very unorginized and needs to restructure the class.

Jul 2004
I loved this class. The instructor was great and it is obvious that he loves teaching. He is kind of everywhere in lecture but that's what makes you want to go. I felt the text and required articles, although extensive, were very interesting and relevant to subject matter. It is difficult to teach a class like 443 because everyone has such different backgrounds. Doub tried to make everyone happy by allowing role plays, interaction and speech topics on what students wantd to learn about. It is impossible to get a perfect score on the midterm and final but not on the marketing plan. I got to do a lot of interesting stuff in this class and would recommend anyone who has time in their schedule to take it. Way to go Doub.

Graduate Student
Required (Major)
Jan 2005
Animated, Awesome, Fired Up, Ready to go, HUmorous, Lively, Clear and Thorough. Doub is excited to teach - be prepared to work your ass off for an A though. Be more prepared to recive a B. Grades aside, you'll learn alot in his class.

Required (Support)
Mar 2005
Doub overall is a nice guy. He gets a little kookie at times. His midterms and finals are all essay form, make sure your hand is ready to write 10-12 paged essays. This class is interesting, but the material gets old after awhile. The major project/presentation is not that bad, but make sure you pick a topic that you like from the start, because you'll be working with it throughout the whole quarter. Try to get that out of the way as soon as possible. He does give quizzes though, so make sure you're prepared for them.

Sep 2008
Love Love Love Him! One of the best teachers I have ever had... I'll never forget him and I'm going to try to take his other classes...even if I dont need to take them. HE'S THE BEST AND CARES ABOUT HIS STUDENTS AND IS HILLARIOUS!!! TAKE HIM TAKE HIM TAKE HIM!!!!!!

Required (Major)
Jan 2009
If you're Ag Business or Wine Business, you will probably like him. Personally, I thought his teaching style to be contrived and his grading to be very subjective. Seemed to me that he played favorites and gave the students he knew and was friendly with better grades that those of us who weren't kissing his ass. Doesn't matter how well you do on the assignments, how much you show up to class, or much you participate in class. If you're not one of his pets, forget about getting an "A"! He didn't do a very good job of explaining key concepts like the three tier system and used way too many hand outs. He wasn't very clear on what kind of information he was looking for for the the assigned projects. And, after many students asked him to give us an idea of what to expect on the final, he finally gave us a few hints most of which were not on the final. Frankly, I don't feel he did a very good job of preparing the student for the material he assigned or the material he tested on.

Apr 2009
He was very nice and the class wasn't too hard, but he was never that clear. There was one day we spent 20 minutes trying to get him to clarify a question for a homework assignment, and he still couldn't do it. Also, I never studied for the tests because there wasn't a way to do so. He gives no study guide and just tells us to read the entire book for the class. It was really frustrating. Not a bad teacher, just difficult to understand his ideas for the class.

FSN 443

Jun 2005
Doub knows that everyone isn't a wine specialist so he makes things easy to understand. It is an interesting class and I learned a lot from it. Now I look at all wine marketing in a new perspective. I really enjoyed this class.

AGB 450

Required (Major)
Nov 2003
Phil Doub is by far the best Professor I have had at Cal Poly. His Passion and love for students is absolutely amazing!! AGB 450 was definately time consuming, but well worth the time. This class was very well organized and allowed room for student interaction, class discussion, student presentations, and the outrageous "Phil" lectures. This man gets so excited in the class room, overheads flying all over the place, and lots of "wooops." The financials are generally the biggest challlange to every student in the class room, dont be overwhelmed, Phil is so willing to give you his time, he is 100% committed to helping students. This is one amazing person who treats students like human beings. I love that his focus is to draw out each student, I was amazed when he came to class the 3rd day and knwe every students name. You will be so motivated in this class!

Required (Major)
Jan 2004
Phil is the best teacher i had at Cal Poly. He loves what he does and it shows. People in the class never know what to expect, so the class is always enjoyable. He makes the worst things fun (financials) and fun things even more fun. He cares about the people in the class, and will help until everyone fully understands the concepts. WHOOP!!!!!! WHOOP!!!! Also had for AGB 443, and was awsome in that class. No one can go wrong with Phil. WHOOOP, WHOOP!!!!

Required (Major)
Aug 2006
WHOOP WHOOP!! Great teacher take him if you can.

AGB 463

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Mar 2006
WVIT463 This class was pretty much do the work and get out. It's once a week for the full 2 hours. Read because it will be quizzed on. Presentation and side readings.

Required (Major)
Jun 2006
He is the best... bottom line.

SPAN 730

5th Year Senior
General Ed
Nov 2016
Prof cried today.... What a weirdo hahahah get a grip of your life.