Hartman, Raymond  

Electrical Engineering


3 evaluations

EE 242

Required (Major)
Dec 2005
Fall 05 was Dr. Hartman's first quarter teaching at Cal Poly. First off, he had a dificulty explaining what he wanted for his labs to his students. He graded the first two labs really hard to let his students know that he has high standards for lab writeups, but others were graded with a lower standard. He changes the labs to his specifications without clearly letting his students know what he really wants (e.g. not writing any of specifications down, and only relaying it by word of mouth). He does not answer questions directly, and actually seem to have difficulty relating to students' problems. The lab final was rediculously hard since it was an EE 449 lab (about 5 classes ahead of 242) and there were ABSOLUTELY no directions whatsoever. He gave us a few pages of his "notes" and told us to "make it work." What "it" was, was beyond our knowledge and comprehension. AVOID this guy if you can! ANYONE is better than him!

Required (Major)
Feb 2006
The fact that this man has a lecture scares me. I only had him for lab but his inability to explain anything tells me that he probably wouldn't be a good lecturer either. Firstly, he can't explain how the labs work. Secondly, he has ridiculous requirements on how to do the labs, for "safety" reasons. When you ask him a question, he answers another question, probably a question that a student asked earlier. Either way it had nothing to do with what we were doing at the time. It is actually impossible to get a perfect lab report. You are required to do a "non-routine method of analysis" to get a perfect score. "non-routine" meaning not stated in the lab assignment. This all makes it hard to get an A because there is no way to get higher than 9 out of 10 on your reports. Finally, if his teaching skills weren't bad enough, he comes to class reeking of smoke.

MU 895

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Nov 2016
What else is there to say? Fine person, nothing interesting. Class was meh... Blah, blah, blah... Fine person.