McCleskey, Patrick  

Industrial Technology


10 evaluations

IT 137

Required (Major)
Jun 2004
Dr. McCleskey is a nice man but he has difficulty explaining information. If most of his lechures were not power point presentations it would be the worst class ever. His tests are very specific so you really need to study. My recommendation is to try to get know him and go to his office hours. If he likes you, sometimes he gives you the answer to questions when taking the test.

Required (Major)
Mar 2005
Doc is an awsome person, but his ability to teach is far below par for a university teacher. I am positive he knows what he is talking about, but his ability to convey his knowledge to students is extremely poor. If you are a IT major you have no choice but to take him so I would recommend finding someone who has already taken the class and get the tests from them. His powerpoint presentations was the only thing that kept the class at a common understanding, otherwise we were all confused as to what he was talking about. Good luck

Required (Major)
Mar 2005
Doc is a really cool person. His broad range of industry experience definetly made the class more interesting. Just make sure you do you're work and go to class and you'll do well.

Required (Major)
Oct 2005
Doc M is an awesome person with TONS of real world knowledge. Basically teaching this class is like teaching elementry school to him, so you can't really expect him to be like your usual college professor. He's funny, will somewhat have favorites, and grades really easy. Just read the book and you are fine.

Required (Major)
Mar 2006
Doc M is really cool, he has a bad rep because his tests can be challenging...but he gives you a study sheet so if you can't get a good grade you just aren't trying...He is really nice and very interesting, has a lot of practical knowledge. The class wasn't that hard all around, a lot to learn and some hard topics, but Doc really does a good job helping you through it

IT 150

Required (Major)
Jul 2004
this professor had a hard time getting the material across to the class. but with his power point lectures being posted on the black board it was real easy for me just to go back on there and follow up with what i missed. besides that before every midterm he stayed an extra 30min after class to give an overview of the material so that we had a study guide to go off of. there are a few group projects that are actually not bad at all considering how i looked at them at first...i definetely didnt put enough time in this class but im was still happy with my grade results

Required (Major)
Sep 2004
The old doc doesn't use the book. He knows a lot, but half the time he mixes it up in his head and tells the class the wrong answers. The class was extremely boring. He does the same lame powerpoints every class. Too bad that he is the only teacher for the IT intro courses.

Required (Major)
Mar 2005
So, Ol Doc is a pretty interesting guy but he's not a great teacher. His lectures are all powerpoint, and he allows you to download the powerpoints from blackboard, but the powerpoint slides are all jumbled with pictures, and bad powerpoint formatting, and there's no real information on them. He talks way to fast and he'll say somthing or explain somthing that doesn't really make sense and then say, "and that's a test question." Or he'll start a sentence with heres somthing from the test, and go off on some wild tangent, while your pencil is poised above your paper waiting for the important stuff to come, but its all old man talk spewing out. He's a smart guy, and he teaches a lot of IT classes so, its hard to avoid him, but just watch out for his finals which have an insane amount of information on them and his lectures which have information in them, but the information is pointless and goes nowhere.

Required (Major)
Sep 2005
He really does care and if you put TONS of time and effort into the class and go to his office hours before every test you'll be ok and could get an A. He's not a really tough grader. His lectures are confusing and you cover insane amounts of material. The final is 10 essay and 200 multiple choice.

ENGR 749

Graduate Student
Nov 2016
Taking this instructor is like being in a Twilight Zone episode. You just can