Kelly, Shaun  

Bioresource and Agricultural Engineering


11 evaluations

BRAE 133

Required (Major)
Mar 2010
I love Kelly! He\'s super nice and will help you a lot if you ask. This class is easy if you do the work. Don\'t let it pile up, that\'s a bad idea. Overall a really good professor.

BRAE 151

Required (Major)
Aug 2005
dr kelly is a really cool guy. He is really smart. Hes from oregon and you can tell because he is one of the most laid back people out there.

BRAE 216

Required (Major)
May 2004
Dr. Kelly is probably one of the coolest teachers I have ever had. When I first met him I thought he was a very timid guy, but the guy is friggen awesome. If I dont have any classes with him I try my best to take 240 with him. I recommend to anyone who needs to take a BRAE class to take this guy, Dr. Kelly makes things very interesting with his "rule of thumb" diagrams, he is friggen awesome.

5th Year Senior
Required (Major)
Jan 2005
Shaun really is one of the coolest teacher. He may not be able to explain the material very well at times, but that only applies if you don't understand matricies. If your still not sure about what he is talking about then ask him. He is will to take as much time as you need. If you have to take Shaun or someone else take Shaun.

Required (Major)
Feb 2011
super easy class with kelly. he looks like he's super nervous up there but he relayed the material very well. so far it's really helped me in my physics 133 class. kind of a space cadet teacher but he is a nice guy and does a good job.

Required (Major)
Jan 2013
Any guy who flashes an entire quad full of students deserve props. You go Dr. Kelly. Hopefully he's not related to R. Kelly, 'cause that would be like the Twilight Zone......

BRAE 324

Required (Major)
Mar 2004
Dr. Kelly is a good teacher. He is nerovus at the first two weeks of class then he settles in. Lab is another story, he just kind of gives you the hand out and wants you to figure it out on your own. However, he is more than helpful durring the class. His grading style is very fair. overall, i absolutley reccomend u take him.

BRAE 425

Required (Major)
Jan 2005
Dr. Kelly rocks!! He is one of the nicest professors in the BRAE department.

Required (Major)
Jun 2005
Dr. Kelly is one cool cat. Jus' do the work and understand the material and you'll do fine.

Required (Major)
Nov 2005
I have had more than one class from Dr. Kelley. This is one of the nicest and fun teachers in the BRAE department. He is very helpful if you have questions and he loves to joke with his students. If you get a chance take a class from Him.

ART 966

5th Year Senior
General Ed
Nov 2016
What the guy/gal below said. Amen. I too took this class and have long since graduated from Poly, but I was cruising Poly Ratings for a kick and thought that I should pipe in and let you know how much of a joke this prof is.