Stephens, Sarah  

Agricultural Education and Communication


1 evaluation

EDUC 414

Graduate Student
Required (Major)
Dec 2003
We had lots of reading on discipline models, writing units, the law in schools etc. We had a dicipline paper and a summary of each model each day. We had a unit plan with 3 lessons. We had a take-home scantron quiz of the law in schools. Most of it is common sense, but yes you can take tear gas to school and use it for self defense with parent's permission. (I know, I was shocked too!) Please note by the time you read this the law may have changed. We also had an integrated project which was very difficult to do in 2 days. Mostly a lot of busy work which can sometimes seem anal and pointless. Make sure you follow her format exactly and you will get good scores. Yes, you will often repeat yourself. Get used to in the lesson and unit plan stuff. She won't take late work (except for one grace day) and expects you to do all the assignments exactly as she as writtent them. She is very nice but very rigid in her system. She does like your input and it's okay to diagree with her in class but on assignments do what she asked. Very approachable. Overall the course was boring but good practice for the endless paperwork that teachers do.