Murtha, Robert  



5 evaluations


General Ed
Jan 2003
If an award for being the most disorganised could be awarded Mr. Murtha would be the winner.I turned in papers clean and got them back dirty because he lost them in the parking lot. He had the class write papers then on the day they were due he threw the assignment out. His grading scale is rediculous; all assingnments recive a check, plus, or a minus, that is it, (if you want to know your grade too bad.) I did not learn a single thing all semester, and that is not because I was not trying. Everyone beware.

ENGL 134

General Ed
Jan 2003
Prof Murtha was a nice guy. His grading system was hard to understand. No one really knew their grade all quarter. There is a reading assignment every night then he usually quizzes you about them the next day. He gave us 4 essays to write. We had to write one in-class for our final. There really wasnt much a of a point of going to class except to take the quizzes.

General Ed
Jan 2003
If you're just trying to skim by with a C in a general ed english class, I don't think this is the teacher to take. You have to show up just about every day because of in-class quizzes, and there is reading almost every night. The reading generally shouldn't take more than half an hour, though, so it's not too bad. The quizzes were often filled with obscure and anoying questions. But homework, which included quizzes, only counted for 10% of the grade, so they didn't matter much in the long run. The essays were the big thing, and I think he graded them mostly fairly, though everyone got a lower grade then they deserved on the first essay. You have time for peer-editing in class for each essay. As was said before, this is a really nice guy. And there was a ton of in-class discussion, which I thoroughly enjoyed. There were a few old videos, of which a few were boring. This is a cool teacher, I'd highly recommend him for this class. The only homework you have is reading and essays, which is very nice. I don't know if we had any other assignments all quarter.

General Ed
Aug 2003
Bob Murtha is without a doubt one of the best English teachers I have ever had. He was very clear about what he expected from us, and if we didn't understand something he wanted, he was more than happy to take the time to explain it to us. His grading was fair and straight forward, and there were no surprises whatsoever. If he likes your work, he will ask if he can share it with other classes as an example of "how to do it right." I cannot recommned him enough! - Jim H

CRSC 939

General Ed
Nov 2016